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Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
Huis in , Slovenske Konjice 12088600
USD - $

Huis voor Kopen in Draža Vas, Slovenské Konjice

8600 sqft
733 sqft
1 Bed
1 Bad

In an excellent, suburban location in the settlement of Tepanje at Slovenske Konjice we have for sale an older, ground-floor, residential house in need of renovation. The house with a net floor area of 68,1 m2 was built in 1950 and is being sold together with a plot of land measuring 799 m2 . In front of the house there is a parking lot for three cars, and to the right of the house is the remaining 500 m2 building land, which offers the possibility of building a new apartment house. Access to the house is via an asphalted, categorized public road. The distance to Slovenske Konjice is 4 km and to Slovenska Bistrica 8.5 km. The one-family house has the following rooms: hall (4.9 m2), bathroom (7.3 m2), separate toilet (1.1 m2), staircase to the attic (1.1 m2), kitchen with dining room (15.3 m2) , living room (13.6 m2), bedroom (17.8 m2) and children's room (7 m2). The ceiling height is 2.45 m. Basic information about the property: Year of construction: 1950; Building and use permit: Yes, obtained for a residential building; Materials: Original brick construction; Facade: Classic, plastered facade - without insulation; Roof: Older, brick roofing; Windows: Older, wooden windows; Floors: Warm floor, ceramics; Electrical installations: Public electricity - currently single-phase meter (three-phase is possible); Heating: Local heating only. Two chimneys - in use only in the kitchen wood-burning stove; Telecommunications: Optical connection; Water supply: Public water supply; Sewage: No, a two-compartment septic tank. In the Registry the situation is in order, without burdens or debts. For more information or a detailed viewing, please call or write: [hidden] / [hidden]

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Aljaž Rupnik
Aljaž Rupnik
Talen: English

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