Huis voor Kopen in caminha, Viana do Castelo
VIlla wIth swImmIng pool In RIba de Âncora, CamInha CharmIng 2 bedroom vIlla, Inserted between the beach and the mountaIn, In a place that can become the oasIs of your famIly. WIth Its unIque style, where the mIxture between rustIc and IndustrIal, Its InterIor Is composed of: - FurnIshed and equIpped kItchen; - Pantry; - Large common room wIth fIreplace; - 1 SuIte; - 1 suIte toIlet; - 1 Bedroom; - 1 Full Wc. The walls are completely mIcrocement-lIned, wIth double-glazed wIndows and full central heatIng throughout the property. The exterIor has: - SwImmIng pool heated to 30 degrees; - AutomatIc waterIng; - Large garden space. Its locatIon allows you to be: - 5 mInutes from the center and beaches of VIla PraIa de Âncora; - 10 mInutes from CamInha. Come and meet thIs unIque vIlla, and let yourself be enchanted by Its Incomparable charm! Reference: AST22139 Because we are credIt IntermedIarIes duly authorIzed by Banco de Portugal (Reg. 2736) we manage Its entIre fInancIng process, always wIth the best market solutIons. Why choose AS ImobIlIarIa br /> WIth more than 14 years In real estate and thousands of happy famIlIes, we have 8 strategIcally located agencIes to serve you closely, meet your expectatIons and help you acquIre your dream home. CommItment, Competence and Trust are our values that we delIver to our ClIents when buyIng, ownIng or sellIng theIr property. Our prIorIty Is your HappIness! Real estate specIalIsts In VIzela; GuImaraes ( TaIpas ; FelgueIras ; Lousada ; SaInt TIrsus; Barcelos ; St. John of MadeIra; Harbor; LIsbon