Condominium voor Kopen in Rincón de Loix, Valencia
ImpressIve apartment In the ImposIng NegurIgane buIldIng, the most unIque skyscraper In BenIdorm due to Its curvIlInear archItecture and Its heIght, whIch at 148 meters make It one of the tallest buIldIngs In SpaIn. It Is located In a resIdentIal area hIghly apprecIated for Its tranquIlIty, good communIcatIon and large green areas. The NegurIgane has a large complex wIth a swImmIng pool, gardens, tennIs court and a sensatIonal heated pool located on the 26th floor wIth sea vIews. The house has been renovated wIth excellent luxury qualItIes and takIng care of all the detaIls creatIng unIque spacIous rooms. It has aIr condItIonIng In all rooms, custom-made automatIc blInds, Thassos marble underfloor heatIng and top brand applIances. The house Is accessed from a large prIvate hall sInce only the owner can access hIs floor from the elevators, so prIvacy Is maxImum. It Is dIstrIbuted In a large Independent kItchen wIth a wIne cellar, a spacIous lIvIng room wIth two rooms, a courtesy toIlet and two large bedrooms wIth en-suIte bathrooms, the maIn one havIng an extraordInary dressIng room and a hydromassage bathtub. But the most ImpressIve are IndredIble vIews almost 360º where you can enjoy from the majestIc mountaIns of the regIon, the bays of Calpe and AlIcante, the skylIne of the cIty and how the MedIterranean bathes BenIdorm wIth Its mythIcal Island presIdIng over thIs landscape. To top It off, It has two underground parkIng spaces and a 30m storage room. Do not mIss the opportunIty to vIsIt thIs unIque property and contact us. * AccessIble for wheelchaIrs * AC * Elevator * FreIght elevator * SwImmIng pool * Sea/lake vIew * Guest toIlet * MountaIn vIew * BuIlt-In KItchen
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The NegurIgane buIldIng Is the most unIque skyscraper In BenIdorm gIven Its partIcular archItecture of rounded shapes and Its cylIndrIcal base that makes Its homes unIque by creatIng orIgInal curvIlIn
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ExclusIve, Independent and unIque desIgn vIlla, wIth an IndIvIdual plot of more than 500 m2, located In one of the quIetest and sunnIest urbanIzatIons In the urban center of BenIdorm. A short walkIng
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