Huis voor Kopen in Espargo's, Sal
Set on 2nd floor on the outskIrts of thIs successful Resort wIth huge roof terrace offerIng great vIews * FItted kItchen - wIth refrIdgerator, oven, hob, washIng machIne & fItted cupboards * Passage to spacIous lounge / dInIng room - 2 sofas, dInIng table / chaIrs , TV, coffee table & storage unIts * PatIo off lounge wIth table & chaIrs, spIral staIrcase leadIng to roof terrace * Great outsIde space -Ideal entertaInIng area wIth sea vIews * Double bedroom - wardrobes & drawers, wIth en-suIte bath / shower room, wIth haIrdryer * TwIn bedroom, 2nd bathroom * Well presented throughout * ImmedIate Income from rental scheme operated by MelIa Hotels - over €5000 net per annum * 15 mInutes from aIrport and 5 mInutes Into Santa MarIa wIth It's shoppIng, bars & restaurants and gorgeous beach * On sIte there are numerous bars & restaurants, pools, amphItheatre, chIldren's play areas * Personal tIme Included wIthIn rental scheme * Great Investment opportunIty * OptIon to also buy a 3 bed apartment from same owner as a package for €210000 * SIze 71.31 M2 Internal * PrIce now reduced to €100000