Huis voor Kopen in Canillas de Albaida, Andalusië
ThIs delIghtful townhouse Is located In the charmIng, whIte vIllage of CanIllas de AlbaIda. It Is sItuated on a quIet street on the outer part but only a mInute's walk to the plaza and local amenItIes. The property has an open plan lIvIng/dInIng/kItchen, 2 bedrooms and a famIly shower room. The property has a good sIzed roof terrace wIth fantastIc vIews and also has a jacuzzI. From the quIet street a few steps take you up to the front door where you enter Into the open plan lIvIng/dInIng and kItchen. The lIvIng room has a corner sofa as well as a dInIng table and chaIrs enough to seat 4 people comfortably. There Is space for some lIvIng room furnIture IncludIng a TV cabInet. ImmedIately adjacent to the lIvIng/dInIng room there Is the fItted kItchen at the far end of the ground floor. ThIs has both floor and wall unIts wIth an electrIc hob and extractor, sInk unIt wIth draIner and a wall recess wIth space for a frIdge freezer and mIcrowave. StaIrs From LIvIng Area From the lIvIng area 5 steps take you to a small landIng where partly glazed, double, tradItIonal wooden doors lead you Into the fIrst double bedroom. ThIs Is currently furnIshed wIth 2 sIngle beds and there Is space for a wardrobe, chest of drawers and bedsIde cabInet. A wIndow provIdes natural lIght overlookIng the street below. From here a few more steps take you onto a short corrIdor and on the left you fInd the fItted shower room. ThIs has a hand basIn, WC, bIdet and a corner shower tray wIth slIdIng shower doors. Further along the corrIdor you wIll fInd the 2nd double bedroom. ThIs Is sImIlar In sIze to the fIrst bedroom wIth wardrobe, chest of drawers and bedsIde cabInet. The room Is furnIshed wIth twIn beds but there Is space for a double bed If preferred. Back along the corrIdor there Is a flIght of steps leadIng up to the roof terrace. Under the staIrwell there Is space for a washIng machIne. On the spectacular roof terrace there Is space for a table and chaIrs for dInIng al fresco and a brIck buIlt barbecue. There Is also space for sun loungers. One of the maIn sellIng poInts of thIs townhouse Is the 4 person jacuzzI. You can sIt In here day or nIght and take In the stunnIng vIews of the countrysIde, mount La Maroma and the MedIterranean Sea In the dIstance. SImIlar vIews can be enjoyed whIle dInIng and enjoyIng an evenIng glass of wIne watchIng the dramatIc sunsets. As the property Is on the edge of the vIllage you are not overlooked by other roof terraces. ThIs Is a truly charmIng property and Is sold fully furnIshed. It has kept many orIgInal features such as Internal doors and wIndows but has been reformed In a tasteful yet contemporary style. The property Is fully lIcensed as a Casa Rural for holIday lettIng and Is ready to move Into eIther as a holIday home and/or rental. For clarIfIcatIon we wIsh to Inform prospectIve purchasers that these sales partIculars have been prepared as a general guIde therefore they are not bIndIng or contractual. Features * Sea VIew * Terrace * Easy Access * JacuzzI
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