57 listings
Shop for rent In Santa EulálIa, VIzela CommercIal establIshment wIth a total area of 152 m2, affects commerce. It Is composed of: - Large hall;<b
Shops In CreIxomIl, GuImaraes br /> Property located In the heart of the cIty of cradle, next to accesses to the hIghway and several local busInesses and Infrastructures of t
Kedai terletak Di kawasan tengah ​​Barcelos dengan 97m2 - DENGAN ruang parkir; - Ditujukan untuk perdagangan atau perkhidmatan; - DENGAN dua bahagian hadapan; - Pendedahan
Shop for rent In Carvalhal, Barcelos Store wIth a total area of 41 m2, affects commerce. The store Is rIght on the sIde of the road, and has several wIn
Shop In BarcelInhos Store Inserted on the ground floor of the DEVELOPMENT MERECES 718. It Is an expandIng housIng and commercIal area. The shop ha
Shop wIth 25m2 In MoreIra de Canons, GuImar&atIlde;es Located In MoreIra de Canons, thIs property consIsts of two floors, r / c wIth shop and basement wIth 1 toIlet. Th
Restoran untuk pencerobohan - JardIm Manuel FarIa Di VIzela Terletak Di tengah-tengah VIzela, bersebelahan dengan jenis perkhidmatan lain, Inilah peluang anda untuk mem
Shop wIth 41 m2 In Ponte, GuImaraes. Property lIcensed for servIces. 1 WC. Located: - 7 mInutes from the center o
Store wIth 91 m2 In Costa, GuImaraes. Property lIcensed for trade . It has a storefront to the maIn street l, beIng located I
Beli untuk menceroboh di Caldelas, GuImaraes Hartanah untuk menceroboh di tingkat bawah menuju ke kafeterIa / kedai pastri, terletak Di salah satu arteri utama The VIll
Shop wIth 121 m2 In S&atIlde;o MIguel, VIzela Shop for sale, In the VIsta Alegre BuIldIng In VIzela. Investment OpportunIty. Shop / trade of auto
Coffee for trespass In MoreIra de Canons, GuImar&atIlde;es Located In resIdentIal area wIth new propertIes to buIld, thIs can be your busIness opportunIty. <
Shop In the center of Barcelos CommercIal establIshment located In the cIty center of Barcelos wIth 79m2 consIstIng of a dIvIsIon and a toIlet for Its own use. - WIth glass wIndow
Kedai dengan 119.50 m2 di Del&atIlde;es, Vila Nova de FamalIc&atIlde; strong> terdiri daripada: - 3 bilik; - WC. Ia terletak: - menghadap salah
Kedai dengan keluasan 37m2, terletak Di kawasan kediaman dan komersial Di Urgezes, GuImaraes. Hartanah di tingkat bawah, terdiri daripada: - Sebuah bilik; - ServIce toIlet;<b
142m2 store In the center of GuImaraesThIs fantastIc property Is located on Rua Santo AntonIo, In the heart of the cIty of GuImaraes, In one of the streets wIth the largest local commerce.Store wI
Beli-belah dengan 173 m2 Di BrIteIros S&atIlde;o Salvador, GuImar&atIlde;es Hartanah Dilesenkan untuk dan perkhidmatan. strong> <
Membeli-belah Di tengah-tengah Barcelos Penubuhan Komersil terletak Di pusat bandar Barcelos dengan 18,89m2 yang terdiri daripada pembahagian dengan: - Etalase kaca; e - Tanda
BINAAN sebuah hotel dengan 25 bilikTerletak Di tengah-tengah bandar GuImaraes dengan 1,617 m2Keselesaan Dipastikan dengan:- Perlengkapan Cantik dan moden;- Ia mempunyai 25 bilik dengan semua radio
Trespasse GelatarIa "BacIo Freddo" em VIla Nova de FamalIc&atIlde;o EstabelecImento localIzado no centro de VIla Nova de FamalIc&atIlde;o, na Praca D. MarIa I
Beli-belah dengan 2 tingkat bersebelahan dengan City Park. - Hartanah dengan keluasan keseluruhan 142 m2 . - Lesen untuk berdagang
Shop + Trespasse wIth 147m2 In Costa, GuImar&atIlde;es. Property wIth lIcense for restoratIon fully equIpped wIth furnIture necessary for the actIvIty.
Kedai baharu dengan 132.40 m2 Di LandIm, VIla Nova de FamalIcao. - dengan lesen komersial; - 2 tandas; - dua bahagian hadapan. Ia terletak: - Di kawasan komer
Store wIth 86.52 m2 In CreIxomIl, GuImar&atIlde;es. Property wIth lIcense for caterIng and/or beverages . 2 WCs. It also has a terrace