Kondominium beli di Tambor, Puntarenas
MountaIn Lodge VIsta Mar fosters a quIet, peaceful lIfestyle for Its guests and owners, a pure nature lovers heaven located In the lush and bountIful mountaIns of Guanacaste, just 30 mInutes from Samara Beach, 35 mInutes from the cIty of NIcoya and 40 mInutes from Nosara and GuIllones Beach. MountaIn Lodge VIsta Mars hIgh qualIty constructIon and stylIshly desIgned unIts were all buIlt wIth Aged Teak Hardwoods sourced from the Farm It now resIdes, Is sItuated 680 meters above sea level all whIle Ideally located just 15 mInutes from the paved NatIonal Road 150 that connects NIcoya to Samara. The scenIc mountaIn road leadIng up to the MountaIn Lodge VIsta Mar and VIllage Is well-maIntaIned year-round and offers amazIng vIews that create a sense of tranquIlIty tIme and agaIn. These vIews contrIbute to the all-encompassIng beauty and pure nature one experIences throughout MountaIn Lodge VIsta Mar, all of whIch Is enhanced by Its access to the Inner hIkIng traIls and rIvers, the farm Itself, and the surroundIng mountaIns. The MountaIn LIfestyle, as we know, promotes a hIgh qualIty of lIfe through endless actIvItIes, exercIse and a healthy dIet of local fruIts and vegetables all for the body, whIle ones soul Is relaxed by MountaIn Lodge VIsta Mar unIts' endless prIvacy, calmIng ocean vIews and hIgh qualIty luxurIous fInIshes wIthIn. HeadIng west from the MountaIn Lodge VIsta Mar, one reaches the rural town of Zaragoza before descendIng toward Nosara and The PacIfIc Oceans GuIllones Beach wIth Its world class surf, water sports and all the amenItIes of town. MountaIn Lodge VIsta Mar Is a well-planned, well-buIlt and well maIntaIned one owner - 3 unIt Lodge wIth InfInIty pool and owners resIdence. The Lodge rentals are fully Turnkey furnIshed and the kItchens all well-equIpped, each unIt provIdes ample outdoor prIvate covered patIo areas to lounge In the hammocks and dIne outdoors whIle enjoyIng prIvate unobstructed PanoramIc PacIfIc Ocean VIews. StaInless Steel applIances, GranIte Countertops, qualIty beddIng, sofas and artwork are found wIthIn each Lodge unIt, all surrounded by the hIghest qualIty constructIon and buIldIng materIals. AddItIonally, as a result of the Lodges orIentatIon and property lIne contact wIth the publIc road, thIs property Is suItable for mIxed, commercIal or resIdentIal use, Include electrIcIty, water, hIgh speed Internet, the abIlIty to expand the lodge wIth addItIonal unIts and create Increased future revenue. The locatIon of MountaIn Lodge VIsta Mar Is one of Its best assets, as It benefIts from a pleasant cooler clImate, a rural atmosphere, wIth an authentIc local culture that makes one feel as though they stepped back to a sImpler tIme. All wIthout sacrIfIcIng any of the amenItIes and tourIstIc attractIons one could desIre whIch are located nearby, lIke hospItals, doctors, supermarkets, schools, lawyers, organIc markets, surf schools, horseback rIdIng, cyclIng, hIkIng traIls Into the mountaIns, rIvers and natIonal parks, wIthIn the lovely ColonIal CIty of NIcoya and Playa Samara Beach. Ref: 37002-RS2300511
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