1897 listings
位於格洛弗公園中心的一處絕妙的私人綠洲!該單元經過翻新,帶來更現代的感覺——新的中性漆、華麗的、翻新的硬木地板、拋光的不銹鋼器具和花崗岩櫃檯。起居空間設有寬大的窗戶,可讓充足的自然光線進入。寬敞的餐廳為餐桌提供了充足的空間。廚房配備燃氣灶、不銹鋼器具和花崗岩檯面。主浴室採用現代風格翻新,舖有定製瓷磚。該單元配備了 2020 年新推出的可堆疊洗衣機/烘乾機、更新的照明和寬敞的步入式衣櫥。美麗的硬木地
您會愛上的精美更新的農舍! 3 間臥室和 2.5 間浴室。可愛的平面圖,入口層有廚房、洗衣房、家庭房、用餐區、泥房和主人套房。廚房是全新的,有很多櫥櫃、不銹鋼電器和花崗岩櫃檯。洗衣房和客用浴室不在廚房。所有用具傳送。您會發現暖氣/空調是為了您的舒適而劃分的。上層有兩間臥室和一間連接它們的完整浴室。房屋增加了額外的絕緣材料,Shentel 是有線電視和高速互聯網的提供商。富蘭克林公司的一部分歷史也在
以藝術和手工藝為靈感的家居,非常適合當今的現代家庭生活。充滿魅力的開放式平面圖!一個可愛的有蓋門廊召喚您進入並探索。進入熱情的高聳門廳,迎接您的是寬敞的起居空間。正式的客廳通過配備百葉窗和兩個吸頂燈的環繞房間的窗戶提供大量自然光。正式餐廳足夠寬敞,適合大型聚會。進入廚房 - 家庭房空間,您會發現藝術和手工藝設計提供的那些迷人的觸感。廚房中的定制櫥櫃和“秘密”食品儲藏室可以存放大量物品。一個“智能”
Designed with clean, classic, contemporary lines this extraordinary ranch style home rests among lovingly kept grounds with mountain & farmland views from both the covered front porch & back porch. Th
Affordable Virginia Mountain Home in the heart of Whitetop VA, convenient to trails and amenities of the Mount Rogers Recreation area, the Va Creeper bike trail, Appalachian Trail, Whitetop Mountain,
Lot 21 is a gorgeous wooded home site that borders Jefferson National Forest. Bluff Mountain Estates is a private community offering building tracts ranging in size from 1.856 acres to 9.482 acres. Un
What a beautiful Virginia Mountain land tract! Approximately 18.8 acres with lush open fields, road frontage, woodlands, small mountain stream, and long range views located just off the Blue Ridge Par
Don't get it wrong. This is more than just purchasing a house. There's a lot more that goes with this home. it's a wonderful life. Our neighbors are like our family. We take care of e
VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN RETREAT! Enjoy private mountain living and fabulous long range layered views with this sweet mountain cottage nestled among 6.95 Acres in Kindrick Mountain Estates, a private gated m
Welcome to 335 Deercroft Drive, a quintessential Blacksburg property now offered by the original owners. This elegant estate is perched high in the mountains providing unparalleled 18
Enjoy the beauty of the country in this rambling ranch style home cradled in a spectacular 5+ acre creekfront setting in the Grayson Highlands. This home offers room to roam with one level living, han
Updated Ranch style home on a large 0.62 acre lot in Poquoson. Home features all new flooring, fresh paint, kitchen has granite countertops and a tile backsplash and all new stainless
Lot 15 is now available and offers a naturally wooded mountain home site with potential long range views. Bluff Mountain Estates is a private community offering building tracts ranging in size from 1.
Beautiful, newly remodeled home on 5 private acres. This home has the best of both worlds...a quiet, rural neighborhood and only 3 miles from 288 and 1 mile from Midlothian Turnpike.<
位於 Point Lookout Mountain 獨特的封閉式山區社區的頂級私人山區。在這個享有盛譽的山區社區中,享受遠距離山脈全景、獨特的岩層、豐富的野生動物和理想的建築工地,是您在弗吉尼亞山區度假或主要住宅的理想場所,提供鋪砌的街道、地下公用設施和 300 多英畝的自然區域,供遠足和觀察大自然.購物、新河、羅傑斯山休閒區和其他文化活動距離 Point Lookout Mountain 大門僅
Creekside Cottage in the Virginia Mountains! Enjoy the mountain views and the sights and sounds of Little Wilson Creek as well as a small waterfall from the covered front porch of this charming cottag
弗吉尼亞山脈的溪邊小屋!享受山景和小威爾遜溪的景色和聲音,以及從這座迷人小屋的有蓋前廊的小瀑布,距離格雷森高地地區、新河、杰斐遜國家森林的小徑和便利設施只有幾分鐘的路程,和鱒魚溪流。該物業坐落在 5 英畝以上的環境中,擁有開闊的農田、牧場、小溪、小穀倉和寧靜的林地,是理想的山區度假勝地、主要住宅或迷你農場。主層設有帶壁爐和木地板的拱形起居區、帶瓷磚地板的高效廚房和通往後院的通道;寬敞的主臥室和一個
體驗針對住宅和商業物業的最佳國際房地產營銷。選擇在 MLSWorldwide.com 購買或租賃。 瀏覽我們可供出售和出租的全球住房和商業空間的完整列表。