228 listings
這是您一直在等待的家 距 Rivonia Boulevard 僅幾步之遙,Rivonia Road 沿線的公共交通十分便利。公共游泳池是一流的,令人耳目一新。包括醫療中心等在內的學校都在步行距離之內。到 Sandton CBD 的行車時間不到 10 分鐘。 廚房的裝修非常精緻,還有一個小陽台,您可以在早晨喝咖啡,觀看大樓內外的動靜 打電話給我安排看房 讓我告訴你那個地方
This magnificent 5-bed family cluster will suit all your needs. Located in a secure complex inside a secure estate, just a few minutes from St Mary's, with close access to the highway, Sandton and Bl
MODERN NO WORK NEEDED SET IN PEACEFUL SOURROUNDINGS; THIS MODERN BEAUTIFUL LIGHT FILLED HOME IS WAITING FOR YOU; Driving into the majestic entrance gates that open to a wide paved driveway, with a f
BIG, SPACIOUS BEDROOMS WITH NATURAL LIGHT Enter this bright, cosy apartment with modern finishes, located in the heart of a well-maintained and secure complex, where natural light pours into all areas
ON THE DOORSTEP TO DORINGKLOOF PRIMARY SCHOOL, NURSERY SCHOOL AS WELL AS DORINGKLOOF MALL... Invest in this lovely property and make it your own. In the lovely neighborhood of Doringkloof close to Ir
SNATCH UP THIS GEM, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!! This magnificent double story home consists of 5 bedrooms with BIC, ceiling fans, MES, two full bathrooms and a guest toilet with stunning finishes. The en
LARGE SIMPLEX FOR SALE For only R700,000. This large property situated next to Princess Crossing , Grobler Park/Lindhaven this is a great family home, especially for people who know the area, and surr
位於 Save Complex 內 整潔的廚房歡迎您的光臨,開放式休息室/餐廳讓您可以欣賞迷人的馬加利斯山山脈。右手邊是書房角。大臥室朝北,讓您在寒冷的冬季享受陽光。充足的櫥櫃可存放您的物品。帶浴缸和淋浴的完整浴室是您套餐的一部分 這間一臥室公寓距離卡爾斯瓦爾德購物中心僅有幾步之遙。到達 24 小時安全控制的通道,在 200m 內,您可以將車停在地下提供的停車設施中。上鎖儲藏室位於這一層。走樓
Looking for an immaculate duplex in Celtisdal? Look no further than this beautifully landscaped property! It offers wonderful open plan living, perfect for entertaining friends and family, as well as
23 HECTARES OF DEVELOPMENT LAND FOR SALE Priced to sell Fast!!! This 23 Hectares of Land for sale on the urban edge of Elspark, Germiston On the urban edge of Elspark, this massive property is curre
BACHELOR UNIT IN SECURED COMPLEX The bachelor apartment located on the 1st floor nestles in the close vicinity of the Wonder Park shopping Centre , The Sefako Makgato Medical University (formerly know
CONVENIENTLY LOCATED WITHIN MINUTES OF THE IDZ Walking distance to the East London IDZ and surrounds, easy access to all amenities within Greenfields including a short distance to the airport, find th
蘭傑方丹 (Randjesfontein) 出售 4 居室房屋 充分利用這大片土地的每一部分,打造出一座獨特的鄉村住宅。長長的車道上擺滿了精美的花盆,通向車道中央的標誌性水景,您對它的第一印象就是一座莊嚴的住宅。 您可以選擇充足的停車位、兩個遊客停車位、四個車庫和兩個車棚,並進入精心照明的台階進入戶外門廊,在原始的白色水泥地板上設有舒適的日落觀賞座位。 這間鄉村茅草屋現代化改造為明亮、寬敞的接
IMMACULATE AND MODERN This beautiful property is situated in the much sought-after suburb of Protea North, one of the finer parts of the sprawling township of Soweto . The house is well maintained an
CAN YOU SEE PAST THE FROGS IN THE POOL AND THE WALLS THAT NEED PAINTING? Can you see past the frogs in the pool and the walls that need painting? This is an opportunity to buy at an entry level price
FAMILY HOME WITH COTTAGE- GREAT VALUE BEST BUY ON THE MARKET!!! If you are looking for a family home that needs a little love. One can design a warm welcoming home with a garden cottage at good value
PERFECT FAMILY HOME FOR THE YOUNG PROFFESSIONAL WITH OWN PRIVATE ENTRANCE TO AN OFFICE As you enter this spacious and loved family home you will be captivated by how light and bright the reception are
SOUGHT-AFTER UP-MARKET LOCK UP ‘N GO Great investment opportunity! This bright and airy two-bedroomed, fully tiled apartment, with natural light that pours into all areas, is located in the heart of a
INSOLVENT ESTATE IN AN UP-MARKET COMPLEX Modern and secure apartment with attractive finishes, located in the heart of a well-maintained and secure complex. Ideal for a work-from-home professional or
安全可靠的 600 平方米家庭住宅,在私人 CUL DE SAC 內設有 2 英畝的辦公室。 該房屋坐落在一條死胡同內,屋頂下佔地 2 英畝,新建於布雷德爾中心超過 2 英畝的土地上 這為新主人提供了一塊空白的畫布,讓這個家成為他們自己的家,擁有一個巨大的 100 平方米/平方米的開放式娛樂空間,帶有滑梯到巨大的花園。 右翼設有 6 間臥室和 3 間浴室,並設有大型娛樂區,可供您享受特殊的體驗
From face recognition at the security gate of the estate to an olympic sized jacuzzi that can heat up, this home has it all and more. This double storey home has modern finishes from top to bottom,
A BEAUTIFUL GROUND FLOOR UNIT A very beautiful unit that offers two bedrooms with built in cupboards serviced by a neat full bathroom. The well cared for, most sought after and safest complex facing S
STUDIO APARTMENT First time buyer, Investor, Student or Young professional, this one is for you. Retreat and spoil yourself in the open plan studio apartment. Refresh to the right, in a fully tiled s
尋求紐約風格公寓的年輕專業人士 位於三樓的現代三層公寓單元,可欣賞阿瑟爾花園的美景。 地理位置優越,可輕鬆前往桑頓中央商務區和 M1 高速公路及周邊地區。 適合尋求紐約風格閣樓的年輕專業人士。 兩臥室頂層公寓堪稱瑰寶,三層樓均可欣賞到壯麗的景色。 設備齊全的開放式廚房配有現代化爐灶、抽油煙機、可容納 2 台電器和花崗岩檯面的空間以及充足的櫥櫃空間。雙容量休息室和餐廳設有引人注目的樓梯和一間