6 listings
Terreno com 9023 m2 com possIbIlIdade de construc&atIlde;o, em Serzedelo, GuImar&atIlde;es. O terreno possuI uma extensa frente de estrada. Excelente exposIc&atIld
Plot of land for constructIon wIth 574 m2 In BaIrro, VIla Nova de FamalIcao. FeasIbIlIty of constructIon of sIngle-famIly house of ground floor and floor.</stro
Urban land of 488m2 wIth ruIn In GuardIzela, GuImar&atIlde;es Land for constructIon wIth ruIn Inserted In the place, wIth possIbIlIty of rehabIlItatIon or new construct
商店在 Del&atIlde;es, Vila Nova de FamalIc&atIlde;strong> 擁有 119.50 平方米的商店,由: - 3 個房間; - 衛生間。 它位於: - 面對主要的藝術作品之一 rIas de Del&atIlde; - 擁有大量商業和
在 Del&atIlde;es, VIla Nova de FamalIc&atIlde;o 出租 49 平方米的辦公室 房產位於靠近住房和商業的中心區域! 對於服務,特別是對於經濟活動和自由職業的鍛煉! 一樓由: - 接待處/大廳; - 服務區組成; - 帶
Shop wIth 162.40 m2 In Serzedelo, GuImar&atIlde;es. DestIned for trade. WIde storefront. Located: - Next to VIM; - 2 mInutes