50 listings
阿維納什集團的阿維納什工業園是房地產界最受尊敬的名字,它是改變中小型工業運作的巨大機會。 我們對這種無與倫比的結構進行了概念化,以產生以前看似令人難以置信的結果。通過捕捉時代變遷的哲學,我們開發了一個不僅現代而且未來的空間。每一次聯合業務運營都是扭轉局面的機會。
Located 25kms away from Raipur, Bhilai is known as the 'Steel City of Central India' because it houses one of the largest steel plants in India, the Bhilai Steel Plant. This steel plant is the profit-
Nestled in the heart of Raipur, a stunning elevation and landscaped terrain awaits you. The first project with a Green Building concept, Maruti Solitaire offers truly connected living through its styl
Bestowed with the best housing project in the LIG category at Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana Empowering India Awards 2019, Avinash Pride offers its buyers an unimaginable range of amenities in the afford
The commercial complex adjacent to the northern boundary wall of the legendary Rajkumar College, Situated on 220 ft. wide National Highway No., 06 more popularly known as Great Eastern Road is one of
如果您正在賴布爾尋找經濟實惠的公寓,您應該看看“Avinash Vatika”。這個具有里程碑意義的項目提供賴布爾一些最優雅的待售公寓,靠近城市的主要地點。您在 Avinash Vatika 獲得的便利設施確實值得一提。通過在這裡擁有住宅物業,您可以盡情享受確保寧靜和舒適的生活方式。 對於剛起步的年輕家庭來說,Avinash Vatika 在 Urkura 負擔得起的 1 BHK 可能恰好落在
想像一下,您在恰蒂斯加爾邦最高的建築中擁有一套高級公寓。好吧,您的願望即將在 Avinash One 成為現實,這是靠近 Magneto 購物中心 Raipur 的高級公寓,它擁有您在買房時一直尋找的所有超現代便利設施。 Avinash One 是一個擁有 4 BHK、3BHK、2BHK 和頂層公寓的高級住宅公寓的項目。這是一個提供混合生活的獨一無二的項目,您可以在安全的校園內自由住宿、購物、工作
Raipur has always been in the thick of things when it comes to logistics and distribution. Seamlessness is the key to making businesses thrive as far as this industry is concerned. Avinash Logistic Pa
Lagoon is a project to break the line between a first home and your second . Your homes in a tropical cove . Designed in a Neo Bali style of architecture that celebrates the Buddhist philosophy of i
如果您正在賴布爾尋找高級公寓,您應該查看“Magneto Signature Homes 2”。 Avinash Group 的這一標誌性項目提供賴布爾一些最優雅的待售公寓,靠近城市的主要地點。這個住宅項目是一個傑作,從奢華到富裕的印象,住宅在各個方面都經過精雕細琢。 精英社區和最好的建築距離酒店僅幾步之遙,使這些位於賴布爾的 2、3 和 4 BHK 高級公寓真正精緻。憑藉我們無與倫比的遠見和遠
A Mega Township offering residential plots for sale in Bhilai, Avinash Twin City nestled at NH 53, kumhari Toll Plaza, is a nature native community located close to the shore of Kharun River, enjoys
With prestigious educational setups around, a National Highway that passes just outside your entrance and themed gardens where your family and friends can have a great time, Avinash Garden City has ca
Maruti Residency-II 是一個住宅公寓,擁有 85 間高級公寓、74 間豪華住宅、9 間便利店。
Avinash Pride 在 2019 年 Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana Empowering India Awards 中被授予 LIG 類別中的最佳住房項目,通過其位於查蒂斯加爾邦賴布爾的時尚 1 bhk 公寓,為購房者提供難以想像的負擔得起的便利設施。我們一流的便利設施,如健身房、兒童遊樂區和社區大廳等,讓我們在 Hirapur Raipur 的 2 bhk 公寓
通過智能城市公寓獲得智能 一個成功激發另一個成功。在印度中部最大的住宅和商業地塊中心智能城市取得巨大成功後,Avinash Group 又回到了 Sejbahar Raipur 的智能城市公寓。 我們位於 Sejbahar Raipur 的 1 bhk、2bhk 和 3 bhk 公寓是新時代智能公寓生活解決方案的巔峰之作,完美結合了優越的地理位置和便利設施,並且在您一直想要的預算範圍內。通過我們
向居民詢問這個地方,他們會很快認為他們在這裡的生活變得更好了。 Maruti Kunj 位於城市就是您後院的地方,以實惠的價格提供無限的體驗。
Have a neighbor who is likeminded, enjoy the evening serenity with discussions on your favorite topic or just be at ease; because life in Jagdalpur is about to see the dawn of a new day. Presenting Av
A planned city required a planned commercial address. Who else would have done it better than Your’s truly? Avinash Times Square- a stunning commercial complex in Naya Raipur is equipped with stylish
Avinash Capital Homes 2 靠近著名的教育機構和繁華的環境,是賴布爾最大的綜合城鎮,擁有一系列平房、公寓和住宅區可供選擇。我們在 Saddu Raipur 的 1 bhk 公寓是開始人生旅程的年輕家庭的完美選擇。除此之外,您還可以選擇我們位於 Saddu Raipur 的 2 bhk 公寓,這將為您提供令人驚嘆的生活方式。我們在 Saddu Raipur 的 3 bhk 公寓提
Create an impression on your guests as soon as they step in because an extraordinary lifestyle isn’t just limited to a few cities. Welcome to the world of Avinash Woods, Jagdalpur where residents have