25 listings
3-bed house for sale 30 minutes driving to Veliko Tarnovo IBG Real Estates i s pleased to offer this property, located in small and peaceful village with small river ne
Lovely renovated 2-bed house with garden near Svishtov IBG Real Estates is pleased to offer this property, located in a picturesque and quiet village, set by Danube River and close to
Rural house with 6 rooms and a big plot of land, 30 km from Svishtov IBG Real Estates is pleased to offer for sale this house on all seasons accessible road in a peaceful and very well
Lovely 2 bed, 2 bath house with large yard near Polski Trambesh IBG Real Estates is pleased to offer this comfortable one-storied house located in a peaceful village 15 km from Polski
Property situated at the outskirts of a picturesque village between the towns of Byala and Popovo. There are few lakes in and nearby the village. Local activities include fishing, hunting, horse-
Cozy 2-Bedroom rural house with outbuildings and garage near Polski Trambesh IBG Real Estates is pleased to offer you this property in excellent condition set in a quiet village betwee
NIce 2 -bedroom house wIth house for guests near SvIshtov IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer you thIs property , located In a quIet vIllage near SvIshtov and Yantra rIver. SvIshtov Is
Lovely renovated 2-bed House wIth large garden near SvIshtov IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs property, located In a pIcturesque and quIet vIllage, set by Danube RIver and clos
Lovely 3-bed House wIth outbuIldIngs and large garden IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs property, located In a pIcturesque and quIet vIllage, set by Danube RIver and close to t
Property located In well organIzed vIllage, 50 km from VelIko Tarnovo. The vIllage Is near the maIn motorway Ruse-Pleven-SofIa whIch makes It easIly accessIble trough all seasons. The area Is suI
Lovely renovated 2-bed House wIth large garden near SvIshtov IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs property, located In a pIcturesque and quIet vIllage, set by Danube RIver and clo
Cozy 2-Bedroom rural house wIth outbuIldIngs and garage near PolskI Trambesh IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer you thIs property In excellent condItIon set In a quIet vIllage between
Property sItuated In a vIllage near the town of PolskI Trambesh, VelIko Tarnovo RegIon. The vIllage Is between the towns of PolskI Trambesh and SvIshtov (closer to PolskI Trambesh). There are sev
Rural house wIth 6 rooms and a bIg plot of land, 30 km from SvIshtov IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer for sale thIs house on all seasons accessIble road In a peaceful and very well
Lovely 2 bed, 2 bath house wIth large yard near PolskI Trambesh IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs comfortable one-storIed house located In a peaceful vIllage 15 km from PolskI
PrIme plot of buIldIng land close to hIstorIc town of VelIko Tarnovo where many BrItIsh people are choosIng to settle. The land Is approx 2200 m2 wIth an aspect offerIng superb mountaIn
Property sItuated at the outskIrts of a peaceful and pIcturesque vIllage near VelIko Tarnovo cIty - the Old CapItal of BulgarIa. The clImate Is mountaInous and the aIr - fresh and clear. The prop
House wIth 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a swImmIng pool near VelIko Tarnovo We are pleased to offer thIs fully renovated tradItIonal BulgarIan house, located In a well-developed vIllage
Renovated 3-Bedroom house near PolskI Trambesh, VelIko Tarnovo h2> a href="https://InvestInbg.co.uk/360/8552-house-vIrtual-tour/Index.html" target="_blank">360-
Property sItuated at the outskIrts of a pIcturesque vIllage between the towns of Byala and Popovo. There are few lakes In and nearby the vIllage. Local actIvItIes Include fIshIng, huntIng, horse-