58 listings
Italy is famous for its natural and historical beauties, but some of its regions still remain to be explored and thoroughly known. The Cilento, south of Salerno and a few kilometers from the a
This exquisite villa is divided into several apartments, each with private access and spread across multiple floors. Each apartment features its own outdoor space and entrance. This elegant apartment
From the main road, a few meters from the Church of San Michele, while admiring the unique view over the entire Gulf of Salerno, you can walk along 150 rather easy stai
On the border between Praiano and Positano, on top of
古老的住宅可追溯至1700 年(古老的拱頂證明了其歷史價值),經過精心修復,獨立,位於意大利最美麗的村莊之一,從四個露台可欣賞到壯麗的景色,位於阿特拉尼小鎮,位於海上以及薩勒諾灣的整個海岸直至蓬塔利科薩。阿特拉尼是意大利坎帕尼亞薩萊諾省的一個小鎮,人口不足 1000 人。意大利最美麗村莊 ANCI 俱樂部的成員,其 0.1206 公里²從面積上看,它是意大利最小的市鎮。 有
Palazzo A NAPOLI 的歷史可以追溯到 1784 年,它是那不勒斯最著名的建築之一,是那不勒斯最著名的古蹟之一,位於歷史中心的心臟地帶,具有非凡的象徵價值。 1860 年 9 月 7 日,朱塞佩·加里波第 (Giuseppe Garibaldi) 在鏡廊的代表陽台上宣布將兩西西里王國併入意大利。您可以利用佔地 1150 平方米的主樓層和位於大樓翼樓屋頂的 300 平方米全景露台,俯瞰聖
這座獨特的豪華別墅坐落在迷人的卡普里島,為那些尋求寧靜、隱私和難忘的地中海度假的人們提供了理想的休憩之所。這家卡普里島度假出租屋周圍環繞著茂密的植被和雄偉的懸崖,營造出寧靜祥和的氛圍,遠離日常生活的喧囂。 這家豪華卡普里島住宿的主要特色之一是壯觀的全景露台,您
Set on the cliff of Furore, far from the daily chaos of the pulsating Amalfi Coast
在通往藍洞(典型的 60 年代卡普里島)的道路上,矗立著一座由 AmalfiRe 出售的壯觀別墅。 該物業分佈在兩層,內部面積為 270 平方米,其中包括一個 2,200 平方米的美麗花園,花園內種有果樹、橄欖樹、檸檬和海松。 在第一層,有一個大露台,通向一個大客廳,並且始終位於第一層,位於:一個大廚房、兩間雙人臥室和兩間浴室。內部樓梯通向第二層,也可以通過
VILLA DEI MERCANTI, POSITANO 位於波西塔諾的一座歷史悠久的豪華別墅,享有地中海的壯麗景色,是整個阿馬爾菲海岸最獨特的別墅之一。在 Villa Dei Mercanti,安頓下來很容易。被美景撫慰,被工作人員寵愛,就像在自己的家中一樣放鬆,但還有額外的東西讓您的逗留難以忘懷。由您的私人廚師烹製的美味佳餚 我們的私人廚師在您入住期間隨時為您服務,為您提供所有最受歡迎的意大利
Nestled on the enchanting island of Capri, this exclusive luxury villa offers an ideal retreat for those seeking tranquility, privacy, and an unforgettable Mediter
In the midst of the tranquility of the green, just 13 minutes from the sea, Amalfi RE offers for sale a beautiful villa with swimming pool, in the Scario area
Beautiful property for sale in Minuta, a beautiful hamlet of Scala, a few steps from the remains of the Basilica of Sant’Eustachio. The city of Scala, which was formed in an urban form arou
Extraordinary 380 sq m villa with 1000 sq m private garden reachable via three different entrances, two from the r
Cilento is one of the most beautiful areas in Campania and is worth a visit especially where you c
Atrani is the smallest and prettiest wedding favor in Italy. <span class="HwtZe" lang
Villa all'Annunziata 是一座令人興奮且舒適的別墅,享有那不勒斯灣的壯麗景色,配備大型游泳池和日光浴室、“迷人”的露台和沈浸在綠色植物中。三層的家庭別墅,擁有所有的舒適和舒適,每個房間都有獨立的小廚房和浴室。該物業位於馬薩盧布倫塞(Massa Lubrense),這是一個位於索倫托和阿馬爾菲半島之間的海洋保護區,因其奇觀而受到聯合國教科文組織的保護。大海、卡普里島、Santa M
Set in one of the most suggestive corners of the Amalfi Coast in the municipality of Ravello in the Marmorata distric
Ancient residence dating back to 1700 (the ancient vaults testify to its historical value), excellently restored, independent, set in one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, with a splendid