574 listings
For sale residential plot in Tala community, Paphos. It has an area of 1022 sq.m. and lies within planning zone . The plot is covered by the utility services (electricity, water and telecommunicatio
90,000에 대한 Lasa의 주거용 토지 매물 자산은 Lasa의 필드입니다. 마을 중심에서 600m 떨어져 있으며 차로 단 20분 거리에 있는 Polis Chrysochous로 이어지는 주요 도로에 쉽게 접근할 수 있습니다. 자산의 면적은 3,679sqm입니다. 가격 + VAT
The land comprises of two fields in Giolou, [hidden] has an area of 22,410sqm and is landlocked (c. 670m east of the nearest registered road).The immediate area comprises of agricultural and undevelop
For Sale Agricultural Land in Stroumbi for €65,000 Προς πώληση δύο συνεχόμενα γεωργικά τεμάχια στο χωριό Στρουμπί της επαρχίας Πάφου. Tα τεμάχια εμπίπτουν στη γεωργική ζώνη Γ3, με συντ
This property is a field in Fyti, Paphos within residential and agricultural zones and is adjacent to Fyti - Anadiou road and approximately 340m north of Fyti village centre. The property has an ar
For Sale Residential Land in Stroumbi for €165,000 Available for sale is the 4/5 share of a residential field, in Stroumpi community, Paphos District. The property is located about 670 me
. Tο τεμάχιο εμπίπτει στη γεωργική ζώνη Γ3, με συντελεστή δόμησης 10%, συντελεστή κάλυψης 10% και δυνατότητα ανέγερσης 2 ορόφων.Εφάπτεται με μη εγγεγραμμένο δρόμο, βρίσκετε σε απόσταση 225 μέτρων από
Προς πωληση γεωργικο τεμαχιο στο χωριο Στρουμπι της επαρχιας Παφου. Tο τεμάχιο εμπίπτει στη γεωργική ζώνη Γ3, με συντελεστή δόμησης 10%, συντελεστή κάλυψης 10% και δυνατότητα ανέγερσης 2 ορόφων. Εφάπ
Residential field of 6,247m² for sale in Tala, Paphos. Located c. 1km from the village church and only 10 minutes drive away from Paphos. - Planning zone residential Ka10, 30% building density, 20%
Agricultural land in Drymou village, in Paphos District. It has an irregular shape and a sloping surface with different altitude levels. There is a registered public road (on site dirt road) which p
This is a plot in Tala, Paphos. It has an area of 1,190sqm and benefits from c. 32m road frontage along Chazeliou Street. The immediate area consists of residential developments and undeveloped parcel
The land has easy access to the main road and is located very close from the center of the village. Is adjoined with a public road and situated in a nice, quiet surrounded area. Land features: Zo
1/2 Share of a residential field in Koili approx. 680m southwest of the village's center. The surrounding area is mainly characterised by vacant land and houses towards the village's center. - Pla
- 100% share - Corner position on a publicly registered road - Area 1,577 sqm - It belongs to H2 residential zone. - ‘C’ shape with mostly even surface. The property is owned by Themis
매매용 Stroumbi 소재 주거용 토지 €33,000 Paphos District Stroumpi 소재 주거용 플롯. 마을 중심에서 북서쪽으로 약 1km 떨어진 곳에 위치한다. 부동산의 인접 지역은 주택과 빈 토지로 구성되어 있습니다. 다소 사다리꼴 모양과 약간 경사진 표면을 가지고 있습니다. 약 18m의 정면을 가진 남쪽
For Sale Agricultural Land in Stroumbi for €64,000 Eιδικη Προσφορα - μονο 8 ευρω το τ.μΠρος πώληση γεωργικό τεμάχιο στο χωριό Στρουμπί της επαρχίας Πάφου. Tο τεμάχιο εμπίπτει στη γεωργ
Residential field in Theletra community, in Paphos District. It is situated at a distance approximately 300 meters north from the community’s center and approximately 1.6 kilometers west from the conn
For Sale Residential Land in Tala for €140,000 Lovely residential plot located in Tala, Paphos.The size of this property is 649 square meters.Building density is 90% and coverage 50%.You
Residential field, extending to about 1.647 sq.m. in total. Access to the field is via a registered road with a total frontage of approx. 127m The asset is located approx. 8km from the motorway. The
• Located in Koili, Paphos • Plot size: 8696m² • Planning zone: Residential Π2 • Maximum building density: 15% • Maximum coverage coefficient: 15% • Height: 8.3 metres • Floors allowance: 2 • S
The two fields are adjacent to each other and are located at a distance of 1100 meters northwest of the center of Koili village. The property offers a nice view of the surrounding area. - The total
For Sale Agricultural Land in Tala for €223,000 Agricultural field in Tala community, in Paphos District. It is situated at a distance of approximately 1.2 kilometers south from the commu
Mountain view 5050sq.m. residential land for sale in Stroumpi village.H2 zone, with 90% Building density and 50% coverage ratio.Allowance of 2 floors, of 8.3m height.
Agricultural field, extending to about 4,785 sq.m. in total. Access to the field is via a public road, with total frontage of approx. 90m The asset is located approx. 500m northeast of the church si