9 listings
주거 및 상업용 부동산에 대한 최고의 국제 부동산 마케팅을 경험하십시오. MLSWorldwide.com에서 구매 또는 임대를 선택하십시오. 판매 및 임대가 가능한 전 세계 주택 및 비즈니스 공간의 전체 목록을 찾아보십시오.
Business premises for sale, office space, 68.53 m2, furnished and ready to move into. It consists of a reception, work area, separate office, archive, mini-kitchen and bathroom. He has a parking space
Dubrovnik, Solitudo - two-story office space with 2 parking spaces. For sale is a two-story office space in the basement/ground floor of a commercial-residential building built in 2004. In the basemen
KORČULA, VELA LUKA, BEAUTIFUL PLOT WITH A PROJECT IN PROGRESS If you have a desire for an open view of the beautiful Ve