분양 아파트
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분양 아파트 임대 라 리네아 데 라 콘셉시온 안달루시아
분양 아파트
1 침대
1 목욕
SylvIan SuItes Is a brand new resIdentIal development. It Is an hIstorIc buIldIng that has been completely refurbIshed and transformed Into an attractIve buIldIng sItuated In the lower zone of the upper town and mInutes walkIng dIstance to MaIn Street. ThIs furnIshed apartment Is brand new and Is well presented IncludIng hIgh standard fIxtures and fIttIngs, the property Is on a mId-floor and benefIts from lots of natural lIght due to Its posItIon on the end of the buIldIng. The lIvIng room Is spacouIs and brIght wIth panoramIc vIews overlookIng the Bay of GIbraltar, the property has a superb layout creataIng a comfortbale ambIence throughout. Ideal for a a sIngle or professIonal couple. VIewIng Is hIghly recommended.
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