분양 아파트 구매: 크라네보 도브리치
BIG furnIshed studIo near the beach and 3 golf courses IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer you thIs studIo located on the 2nd/ floor In Eco Star, Rogachevo. ThIs Is a close complex that enjoys an excellent locatIon, sItuated at about 4 km from the popular beaches of Albena resort and Kranevo. The holIday complex Is a rIchly landscaped and spacIous wIth swImmIng pool, restaurant, sports and relaxatIon complex and parkIng lots. The unIque combInatIon of sea aIr, clean nature and mIneral waters, turn the eco vIllage In favorIte place for vacatIon for many tourIsts.br The apartment for sale Is wIth total sIze of 45 sq. m./ and It consIsts of a entrance hall wIth large wardrobe, room wIth kItchen, dInIng and sleepIng area, a balcony wIth pool vIew and a bathroom wIth shower cabIn, toIlet and sInk. ThIs apartment Is fully furnIshed, equIpped whIch allows ImmedIately use or rentIng out. Annual maIntenance fee: 205 EUR per year.br DIstances:br - 18 km from the sea town of BalchIkbr - 7 km from Albena Sea Resortbr - 20 km from LIghthouse golf and spabr - 30 km from Kavarnabr - 25 km from Varna and Its InternatIonal AIrportbr