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이 해변가 부지는 1에이커가 넘는 규모로 훌륭한 투자 기회를 제공합니다. Godings Bay의 이름을 따서 명명된 이 곳은 약 150피트의 해변을 마주하고 있으며 사이트에 큰 가치를 더하는 두 개의 절묘한 대저택 사이에 이상적으로 위치합니다. 탐나는 서부 해안에 위치한 이것은 바베이도스에서 고급 주택을 짓고자 하는 예비 소유주들에게 확실히 드물고 꼭 봐야 할 기회입니다. - 서해안 해변가 - 좋은 투자 기회 - 150피트의 해변 정면 - 희귀하고 꼭 봐야 할 기회
당신은 관심이있을 수 있습니다:
Lot 31 comprises approximately 18,665 SF of flat land. It is located in Heron Mill, just up the hill the Mullins Bay Beach, restaurants, spa and other amenities in the parish of St. Peter. This
Lot 31 comprises approximately 18,665 SF of flat land. It is located in Heron Mill, just up the hill the Mullins Bay Beach, restaurants, spa and other amenities in the parish of St. Peter. This
Lot 31 comprises approximately 18,665 SF of flat land. It is located in Heron Mill, just up the hill the Mullins Bay Beach, restaurants, spa and other amenities in the parish of St. Peter. This

Heron Mill Estate is a relatively new and upmarket residential development located between the ABC Highway and Mullins in an elevated and breezy location offering distant sea views. This large rectang

Heron Mill Estate is a relatively new and upmarket residential development located between the ABC Highway and Mullins in an elevated and breezy location offering distant sea views. This large rectang

Heron Mill Estate is a relatively new and upmarket residential development located between the ABC Highway and Mullins in an elevated and breezy location offering distant sea views. This large rectan