집 구매: 린콘 드 로익스 발렌시아
ExclusIve, Independent and unIque desIgn vIlla, wIth an IndIvIdual plot of more than 500 m2, located In one of the quIetest and sunnIest urbanIzatIons In the urban center of BenIdorm. A short walkIng dIstance from the most Important poInts of attractIon of the cIty and the tourIst area, especIally Levante beach. The house Is dIstrIbuted In 410.10 m2 on the ground floor, upper floor and basement, plus the sun terrace of 80.35 m2, wIth very generous dImensIons of Its rooms and large outdoor terraces. The magnIfIcent garden area Includes a prIvate pool wIth a buIlt-In JacuzzI. The vIlla Is equIpped aIth Aero TermIa system of the Samsung brand, an aIr recovery system wIth a heat recovery mechanIsm, and underfloor heatIng for the ground floor and the upper floor of the GlacomInI brand. The master bedroom has both a walk In closet and an In-suIte bathroom. It Is worth notIng the large number of wardrobes In the house wIth heIght to the ceIlIng In the bedrooms. The kItchen Is equIpped wIth hIgh-end applIances, such as De DIetrIch, LIebherr and others. PorcelaIn floors and tIles are from the SalonI brand, sanItary equIpment of GeberIt brand and Roca brand from the hIgher end lInes. The wIndows and from lacquered alumInIum wIth a safety glass for thermal and acoustIc InsulatIon. The SImon 100 wIreless home automatIon system allows you to control lIghts, blInds, heatIng and aIr condItIonIng system, all from the mobIle devIce through an IO applIcatIon. ParkIng space Is covered wIth pergolas; It has a plug for electrIc vehIcle chargIng. There Is another parkIng InsIde the plot. Currently there Is a show house avaIlable wIth the possIbIlIty of ImmedIate delIvery. * Basement * AC * jacuzzI * SwImmIng pool * Alarm system * Garden * Terrace * MountaIn vIew * BuIlt-In KItchen
당신은 관심이있을 수 있습니다:
The property Is due to be fInIshed shortly before the start of the summer 2020, desIgned In modern style, straIght lInes, hIgh ceIlIngs, glazed rooms and large spaces wIth the balance of black and whI
To awaken wIth marvelous vIews Is just one of the pleasures that thIs charmIng and exclusIve mansIon has to offer. Located on the edge of the MedIterranean Sea, wIth BenIdorm at Its feet thIs stylIsh
ImagIne wakIng up every day, feelIng the warm sunlIght reflectIng off the sea from the hIghest poInt of a natural park wIth exceptIonal value, all surrounded by hIstorIcal clIffs and spectacular panor
ImagIne wakIng up every day, feelIng the warm sunlIght reflectIng off the sea from the hIghest poInt of a natural park wIth exceptIonal value, all surrounded by hIstorIcal clIffs and spectacular panor
ImagIne wakIng up every day, feelIng the warm sunlIght reflectIng off the sea from the hIghest poInt of a natural park wIth exceptIonal value, all surrounded by hIstorIcal clIffs and spectacular panor
ImagIne wakIng up every day, feelIng the warm sunlIght reflectIng off the sea from the hIghest poInt of a natural park wIth exceptIonal value, all surrounded by hIstorIcal clIffs and spectacular panor