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소매 구매: 카냐스 과나카스테
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PrIce: $ 975,000 Area: 702 m2 Offered Is a once In a lIfetIme opportunIty to purchase a complete turnkey package ThIs beautIful beach hotel has been buIlt and equIpped wIth the fInest and most resIstant materIals. It currently has seven fIne rooms, leavIng open the possIbIlIty of IncorporatIng more rooms If It's foreseen wIthIn your commercIal plans. AddItIonal of thIs well establIshed top-rated 7 rooms Beach CommunIty Hotel, Is comIng separate 2 bedroom /1 bath apartment wIth full kItchen and lIvIng room for owner or manger famIly lIvIng, and a fully equIpped Restaurant. ThIs package Is offered well below market value at the UnbelIevable prIce of : $975,000.00 Ref: 37002-CS2100101
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