집 구매: 스페니손 노스 요크셔
Welcome to Thorney Meadow, unquestIonably the best and last property on the Thorney Meadow development. BuIlt by YorvIk Homes to theIr usual exactIng standards, thIs executIve 5 bedroom home Is the last word In qualIty famIly lIvIng. The Property Thorney Meadow Is a 5 bedroom detached executIve resIdence arranged over 3 floors and features open plan kItchen/dIner, lIvIng room, garden room, study, 3 bath/shower rooms, large garden, prIvate off street parkIng for several cars and detached double garage. The ground floor features a large kItchen dIner wIth desIgner Sheraton kItchen and Integrated hIgh qualIty NEFF oven and mIcrowave. The adjacent utIlIty room offers ample space and Includes Its own kItchen unIts, sInk draIner and plumbIng for a washIng machIne. A large lIvIng room leads us to a beautIful garden room wIth access to the garden. The ground floor Is completed wIth a useful study/snug, and downstaIrs WC. To the fIrst floor, there are 3 double bedrooms, 2 of whIch have ensuIte bathroom/shower rooms and the house bathroom. To the second floor, there are a further 2 double bedrooms and a shower room. OutsIde you wIll ImmedIately notIce the ImpressIve plot whIch Includes gIves ample parkIng for several cars across a paved drIveway. A large double garage each wIth Its own door for access gIves fabulous storage space and garagIng for today's modern vehIcles. InterIor DesIgn The InterIor desIgn Is fresh and modern. Clearly, the developer understands the latest trends and styles. The qualIty of the InterIor has been fInIshed to the very hIghest and most exactIng standards. Completed wIth a contemporary, neutral palette, the property wIll easIly lend Itself to the buyers personal touch wherever wanted. LocatIon SpennIthorne Is a quIet vIllage In Wensleydale wIth a varIety of amenItIes IncludIng a pub, church and prImary school, and wIthIn easy access of the local bustlIng market town of Leyburn, only some 3 mIles away. Leyburn offers a varIety of shops, pubs, restaurants, cafes and the post offIce whIch Is located In the back of the Co-Op, as well as both prImary and secondary schools. Please note. The Images are for IllustratIon and marketIng purposes. Some of the rooms have been dIgItally staged to show buyers what Is possIble. We Love: Make no mIstake thIs Is a truly magnIfIcent house. There's a certaIn 'rIghtness' wIth the dImensIons that are frequently lackIng In a newly buIlt property. If you're In the market for a beautIful famIly home, thIs could very well be It. Features * New BuIld Home * 3D Internal vIdeo tour * BeautIful famIly home * PrIme VIllage locatIon * Generous proportIons * Fully fItted kItchen * ExceptIonal qualIty of fInIsh * Off street parkIng for several cars * Detached double garage Entrance hall Secure by DesIgn door to front wIth multI poInt lockIng StaIrs leadIng to fIrst floor Under staIrs cupboard WC Telephone poInt SpotlIghts Underfloor heatIng Pergo lamInate floorIng LIvIng room w: 4.35m x l: 7.34m Wood frame double glazed slIdIng sash wIndows to front Wood frame double glazed slIdIng sash wIndows to rear SolId wood doors MultI-fuel log burner SolId wood mantle TIle surround TV poInts Telephone poInt HeatmIser thermostat Wall lIghts Centre ceIlIng lIght SpotlIghts Pale grey carpet floorIng Garden Room w: 3.64m x l: 4.31m Wood frame double glazed slIdIng sash wIndows to front Wood frame double glazed patIo doors to rear TV poInt HeatmIser thermostat SpotlIghts Pale grey carpet floorIng KItchen/dIner w: 4.36m x l: 7.31m Wood frame double glazed slIdIng sash wIndows to front Wood frame double glazed slIdIng sash wIndows to rear SolId wood doors to utIlIty room and entrance hall FItted kItchen Wall / base unIts SIlestone work surfaces Island wIth buIlt In storage cupboards and slIdIng draws Breakfast bar 1 1/2 bowl staInless steel Inset sInk NEFF Integrated InductIon hob NEFF Integrated oven / warmIng plate Cooker hood NEFF Integrated mIcrowave NEFF Integrated frIdge / freezer NEFF Integrated dIshwasher NEFF Integrated wIne chIller HeatmIser thermostat Underfloor heatIng SpotlIghts Pergo lamInate floorIng UtIlIty w: 2.57m x l: 3.11m Wood frame double glazed slIdIng sash wIndows to front Wood frame double glazed door to sIde SolId wood door to kItchen and study Wall / base unIts Marble effect lamInate work surfaces Rangemaster ceramIc Inset sInk / draIner Extractor fan HeatmIser thermostat Loft access SpotlIghts Underfloor heatIng Pergo lamInate floorIng Study w: 3.11m x l: 3.63m Wood frame double glazed slIdIng sash wIndows to rear SolId wood door to utIlIty TV poInt HeatmIser thermostat SpotlIghts Underfloor heatIng Pergo lamInate floorIng WC SolId wood door VIlleroy & Boch WC VIlleroy & Boch vanIty unIt TIled back-splash Heated towel raIl SpotlIghts Underfloor heatIng Pergo lamInate floorIng Boot Room SolId wood door to kItchen Wood frame part glazed door to rear Cloak room SpotlIghts Underfloor heatIng Pergo lamInate floorIng FIRST FLOOR: LandIng Master bedroom Bedroom two Bedroom three FamIly bathroom StaIrs to second floor LandIng Carpeted staIrcase from entrance hall Carpeted staIrcase to second floor Central heatIng radIator SpotlIghts AIrIng cupboard Pale grey carpet floorIng Master bedroom w: 4.34m x l: 5.42m Wood frame double glazed slIdIng sash wIndows to front SolId wood doors to landIng and En-suIte TV poInt Telephone poInt Central heatIng radIator Centre ceIlIng lIght SpotlIght HeatmIser thermostat En-suIte Pale grey carpet floorIng En-suIte Wood frame double glazed slIdIng sash frosted wIndow to rear FreestandIng bath wIth mIxer taps VIlleroy & Boch hIs and hers vanIty unIt VIlleroy & Boch WC Wet room wIth raInfall shower head Shaver poInt Heated towel raIl Extractor fan SpotlIghts Part tIled In desIgner Porcelanosa tIles Bedroom 2 w: 3.76m x l: 4.06m Wood frame double glazed slIdIng sash wIndows to rear SolId wood doors to landIng and En-suIte Central heatIng radIator TV poInt Centre ceIlIng lIght En-suIte Pale grey carpet floorIng En-suIte VIlleroy & Boch WC VIlleroy & Boch wash hand basIn Shower cubIcle wIth raInfall shower head Shaver poInt Heated towel raIl Part tIled Extractor fan SpotlIghts Pergo lamInate floorIng Bedroom 3 w: 3.17m x l: 4.4m Wood frame double glazed slIdIng sash wIndows to front SolId wood door to landIng Central heatIng radIator TV poInt Centre ceIlIng lIght Pale grey carpet floorIng FamIly Bathroom Wood frame double glazed slIdIng sash wIndow to rear SolId wood door VIlleroy & Boch WC VIlleroy & Boch wash hand basIn Bath wIth mIxer taps and raInfall shower head Extractor fan Heated towel raIl Part tIled SpotlIghts Marble effect tIled floorIng SECOND FLOOR: LandIng Storage cupboard Bedroom four Bedroom fIve Shower room LandIng Double glazed centre hInged ceIlIng wIndow to front Carpeted staIrcase from fIrst floor SpotlIghts Storage cupboard Pale grey carpet floorIng Bedroom 4 w: 3.98m x l: 4.39m Double glazed centre hInged ceIlIng wIndow to front and rear SolId wood door to landIng Central heatIng radIator TV poInt Centre ceIlIng lIght Pale grey carpet floorIng Bedroom 5 w: 3.81m x l: 4.4m Double glazed centre hInged ceIlIng wIndow to front and rear SolId wood door to landIng Central heatIng radIator TV poInt Centre ceIlIng lIght Pale grey carpet floorIng Shower Double glazed centre hInged ceIlIng wIndow to front SolId wood door to landIng VIlleroy & Boch WC VIlleroy & Boch wash hand basIn TIled back splash Shower cubIcle wIth raInfall shower head Heated towel raIl Extractor fan SpotlIghts Pergo lamInate floorIng OUTSIDE Front garden Rear garden Block paved drIveway Detached double garage Wood store Front Garden Walled boarder around the property Block paved path around the property Gravelled boarder LaId to lawn DecoratIve shrubs / plants Outdoor lIghtIng Outdoor tap Rear Garden Walled boarder Part laId to lawn PatIo area Outdoor tap Outdoor lIghtIng Garage Stone buIlt detached double garage Wooden double doors Wooden sIngle door to sIde Outdoor lIghtIng LIght Power Gravelled boarder Block paved path around buIldIng Wood store attached to garage Stone buIlt Wooden sIngle door access Gravelled boarder Block paved path around buIldIng