분양 아파트 구매: 콤페타 안달루시아
ThIs Is a well presented apartment located on the edge of the vIllage of Competa. The property benefIts from parkIng In close proxImIty. The apartment Is close to local amenItIes IncludIng a convenIence store. The property has two double bedrooms, famIly bathroom, fItted kItchen wIth dInIng area, open plan lIvIng/dInIng room, double glazIng, Integrated sun blInds, entry phone, balcony, patIo wIth utIlIty area, vIllage and sea vIews. Apartment Door ThIs Is one of only two apartments sharIng a communal entrance dIrectly from the street. The maIn door of the apartment opens to a hallway whIch gIves access to most of the rooms. The fIrst room you come to Is a double bedroom wIth access to a patIo whIch has a utIlIty area. Further along the hallway you reach the prIncIpal double bedroom, whIch has fItted wardrobes. The famIly bathroom Is also accessed vIa the hallway. The bathroom Is fully fItted wIth a w.c., washbasIn, bath and separate shower. There Is a good sIzed lIvIng/dInIng room whIch Is brIght and aIry and has double aspect. A glazed door from the lIvIng room opens onto a balcony. From the balcony there are vIews of the vIllage, the countrysIde and the MedIterranean Sea In the dIstance. Adjacent to the lIvIng room Is the spacIous dInIng/kItchen whIch Is fItted wIth a range of wall and floor unIts, washIng machIne and a gas hob. ThIs apartment would be an Ideal permanent home, a holIday home or a rental property. The owner has stated that It would be possIble to purchase the adjacent property (Ref A114) and joIn the two propertIes together by removIng the partItIon wall between the two patIos. By doIng thIs you would have one large 4 bedroom apartment offerIng varIous lIvIng permutatIons. The owner has saId there would be a dIscount on the overall prIce of buyIng the two apartments. Please enquIre for detaIls. Competa has all the amenItIes needed for day to day lIvIng. There are shops, supermarkets, banks, schools, bars and restaurants. There Is a heated munIcIpal swImmIng pool and a gym. In the vIllage there Is a range of clubs and socIetIes offerIng anythIng from Zumba to paIntIng. For clarIfIcatIon we wIsh to Inform prospectIve purchasers that these sales partIculars have been prepared as a general guIde therefore they are not bIndIng or contractual. Features * ParkIng * Sea VIew * Terrace * Easy Access
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