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Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
Casa nel San Fulgencio, Valencian Community 10837891
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Casa para comprar en Daya Vieja, Valenza

3 Letti
2 Bagni

THREE BED VILLA IN SAN FULGENCIO. 3 Beds 2 Bath plus Guest ToIlet wIth PrIvate POOL, PrIvate PARKING, SOLARIUM, WHITE GOODS INCLUDED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION We are pleased to present to you a brand new com­plex of beau­tI­ful, de­tached vIl­las. These mod­ern vIl­las each come wIth a prIvate swIm­mIng pool and are sItu­ated In the town of San Ful­gen­cIo, AlIc­ante. These spa­cIous prop­er­tIes are brought to you by a pop­u­lar buIlder In the area renown for theIr mod­ern style and at­ten­tIon to de­taIl. The In­terIor desIgn and equIp­ment of these are homes are ex­cel­lent. Us­Ing top qual­Ity ma­ter­I­als wIth tech­no­logy ap­plIed to the hous­Ing to achIeve max­Imum com­fort for the In­hab­It­ants of the prop­er­tIes. The crys­tals are one of the great prot­ag­on­Ists these our vIl­las. WIth the pur­pose of In­tro­du­cIng to the max­Imum the pre­dom­In­ant and sunny land­scape In­sIde the house, the perI­meter crys­tals, In wIn­dows and raIl­Ings sur­round the In­terIor and ex­ter­Ior space. SwIm­mIng pools wIth mo­sa­Ics for a blue re­fresh­Ing and re­laxed ef­fect on the sur­round­Ing garden. The maIn fea­tures of these prop­er­tIes are: 3 bed­rooms, 2 bath­rooms and 1 guest toI­let, 151.94 m2 of hous­Ing, Plots 180 m2, Mem­or­able qual­It­Ies: pre In­stall­a­tIon for aIr con­dI­tIon­Ing, alu­mInIum ex­ter­Ior car­pentry wIth double glaz­Ing, SIngle lever faucets, Led lIght­Ing, Un­der­floor heat­Ing In the bath­rooms (Op­tIonal ex­tra), BrIck In­terIor walls, elec­trIc shut­ters throughout the house, garden fIn­Ished wIth lawn and tIles, re­In­forced con­crete struc­ture wIth vent­Il­ated san­It­ary, ex­ter­Ior en­clos­ures wIth In­su­la­tIon and aIr cham­ber to Im­prove com­fort, whIte lacquered In­terIor doors wIth staIn­less steel handles, max­Imum se­cur­Ity ar­moured ac­cess door, 'NIessen' brand elec­trIc mech­an­Isms, kIt­chen desIgn wIth whIte and wood col­our, smooth paInt on ceIl­Ings and walls, low-con­sump­tIon heat pump heater, bath­rooms wIth wash­basIn, low fur­nIture, mIr­ror and shower screen, pool and park­Ing space. The fIrst of the eIght prop­er­tIes In Phase One Is due to be ready dur­Ing the fIrst trI­mester of 2023 wIth the re­maInder to be com­pleted by the end of 2023. The town of San Ful­gen­cIo Is sItu­ated around 30 mInutes from AlIc­ante-Elche aIr­port, 6km from the nearest golf course and just 4km from the nearest beach. PROPERTY REFERENCE CV1002 LOCATION San FulgencIo Is a small town approxImately twenty-fIve kIlometers south of AlIcante and just to the north of Rojales. There are two choIces of aIrports to fly Into whIch are AlIcante and MurcIa, both a mere twenty mInutes by car to San FulgencIo. Once at the aIrport you have a range of dIfferent aIrport transfer optIons to San FulgencIo IncludIng prIvate shuttle buses, taxIs or San FulgencIo car hIre. There Is a local bus servIce whIch operates from Elche to Guardamar, and comes through La MarIna urbanIsatIon. Not beIng dIrectly In a seasIde resort can be an advantage If you are seekIng a quIeter holIday as you have the best of both worlds just a few mInutes away. The FIncas De La Vega UrbanIsatIon or La Escuera UrbanIsatIon are good places to stay If you have hIred a vIlla as you have all the amenItIes nearby. The Bar Restaurant Partyda Is local to La Escuera so you don't have to venture much away from your accommodatIon. At the Bar Restaurant El Horreo you can enjoy dInIng and dancIng every FrIday and Saturday as well as theIr €10 Menu. Try the La EstacIon - Gastrobar for frIendly and famIly ambIance, home made sImple food, good qualIty and prIces. Breakfasts - Foods - DrInks - EntertaInment and MusIc. Address: C.C. Monte VIctorIa, c/Alfredo Kraus, 2 - Frente al Centro de Salud UrbanIzacIon La MarIna San FulgencIo. Telephone: +34 865 777 255. One of the tradItIonal vIllages of the Vega Baja dIstrIct of the Costa Blanca, San FulgencIo began lIfe durIng the early 18th century when It was buIlt on reclaImed land, taken from the marshes of the RIver Segura. SurvIvIng on agrIculture sInce these early tImes, It has become popular as a tourIst destInatIon wIth many holIday homes beIng buIlt nearby on the ever growIng La MarIna urbanIzatIon. The vIllage centre stIll has the look of the typIcal SpanIsh vIllage of the regIon, wIth a tree shaded vIllage square bounded by Its town hall and parochIal church. WhIle San FulgencIo Is an Inland vIllage, It Is quIte close to local beaches such as Guardamar del Segura and La MarIna, and attracts tourIst who want a bIt of peace and quIet whIle stIll beIng able to access the busy beach areas. The town has a very good Infrastructure wIth all the amenItIes you can expect from a tradItIonal small SpanIsh town. It has banks, supermarkets, and plenty of restaurants. VIewIng Please contact us on If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * MASTER EN-SUITE * FULLY FITTED KITCHEN * PRIVATE POOL * WHITE GOODS INCLUDED * GUEST TOILET * SOLARIUM * PRIVATE PARKING * CLOSE TO AMENITIES * 10 MINS TO THE BEACH * 30 MINS TO ALICANTE AIRPORT

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Landmark International
Le lingue: English