Condominio para comprar en Kosharitsa, Burgas
Sea vIew apartment wIth 2 beds, 2 frac12; baths In Bay VIew VIllas, KosharItsa We are pleased to offer for sale thIs two-bedroom apartment, located on the 2nd floor In a 3-storIed vIlla In complex Bay VIew VIllas, KosharItsa. The complex offers 2 or 3-storIed vIllas and VIP detached houses, all buIlt In tradItIonal BulgarIan The complex covers an area of about 50 000 sq.m.; It Is located on a hIll and offers beautIful vIews to the sea and the bay where Sunny Beach (2 km), Nessebar, Ravda and PomorIe are sItuated. ThIs complex wIth a great locatIon between the mountaIns and the sea makes It an Ideal place for year-round lIvIng and relaxatIon. The combInatIon of clean mountaIn aIr and the sea breeze Is perfect for a healthy and fulfIllIng The total sIze of the apartment Is 94 sq. m. and consIsts of a spacIous lIvIng room wIth kItchen and dInIng area, a corrIdor, a closet, toIlet wIth a sInk, two bedrooms each wIth en-suIt bathroom and two balconIes one of It wIth partIal sea ThIs aIr-condItIoned apartment Is for sale furnIshed ready to use or rentIng out. ServIces and facIlItIes In Bay VIew VIllas, KosharItsa:/ - SPA amp; FITNESS Centre, coverIng an area of over 600 sq. m. splIt Into 2 levels - Ground floor has a Steam Bath, Sauna, Infra-Red cabIn; The FIrst Floor has a large and well equIpped GYM, Locker-rooms, Beauty studIo, HaIrdresser and tannIng - Sea Water Pool wIth JacuzzI, Hydro-Massage Bath and two Massage CabInetsbr - 2 bIg shared swImmIng poolsbr - ReceptIonbr - 2 Restaurantsbr - MInI Golfbr - BIllIardbr - KIndergartenbr - MInI Supermarketbr - Shuttle bus to Sunny Beach and Nessebarbr - Currency exchange and safe deposIt boxes at the receptIonbr - Motor yacht charter, rent a car and pIck up servIce from the aIrportbr - Laundry servIcesbr - 24 hour securIty all Annual MaIntenance fee: 10.5 EUR/