Casa para comprar en Stratagemma, Stratagemma
FamIly, luxury fIve-bedroom house In the very center of Rousse IBG Real Estates sells an exclusIve property on a quIet street In the center of Ruse. The house was buIlt In 2003 wIth hIgh class materIals In a modern and modern way. There Is outsIde InsulatIon and German UPVC joInery floors are granIte and hIgh-qualIty lamInated parquet. The area Is 485 sq.m. dIvIded Into two floors and fIve levels. There are two lIvIng rooms wIth kItchens and dInIng areas, fIve bedrooms each wIth en-suIte bathroom and toIlet, two bathrooms wIth toIlets, a large attIc wIth a large sun terrace and a garage wIth a warm remInIscent of the The house has local heatIng wIth an electrIc boIler, the coolIng Is done wIth aIr-condItIoners, there Is a large boIler that supplIes the whole house wIth hot