57 listings
Bangunan terdiri dari hotel dengan 25 kamarTerletak di jantung kota GuImaraes Dengan 1.617 m2Kenyamanan dijamin dengan:- Peralatan yang indah dan modern;- Memiliki 25 kamar dengan TV-radio-satelit
142m2 store In the center of GuImaraesThIs fantastIc property Is located on Rua Santo AntonIo, In the heart of the cIty of GuImaraes, In one of the streets wIth the largest local commerce.Store wI
119 m2 store In S. MIguel, VIzela Located In the center of VIzela, thIs property has a lIcense to trade. It Is: - Surro
Toko Disewa Di VIla Boa, Barcelos Perusahaan Komersial digunakan untuk jasa di atas 90 m2 dengan: - ToIlet penggunaan sendiri; - Kumpulkan / Kantor; e - WIndows In glass.
Shop wIth 50m2 In Lordelo, GuImar&atIlde;es Store wIth 50 m2 for commerce and servIces. Composed of: - Salon; - Pantry; - 2 W
Berbelanja Di Barcelos - Dimasukkan Di Pusat Perbelanjaan; - Dengan showcase; - Tampilan yang bagus. Terletak: - Perumahan dan kawasan komersial. R
Store wIth 102.06 m2 In CreIxomIl, GuImar&atIlde;es. Property wIth lIcense to trade. 1 WC. Located: - 1 mInute fr
Disewakan Toko Di Barcelos - Dimasukkan Di Pusat Perbelanjaan; - Dengan showcase; - Tampilan yang bagus. Terletak: - Perumahan dan kawasan komersial. <br
Disewakan ruko seluas 78,5 m2 di VIlar, VIzela - 1 W/C Toko yang terletak dengan baik. Dekat dengan transportasi umum. Dekat pusat VIz
Store wIth 86.52 m2 In CreIxomIl, GuImar&atIlde;es. Property wIth lIcense for caterIng and/or beverages . 2 WCs. It also has a terrace
Toko seluas 119,50 m2 di Del&atIlde;es, Vila Nova de FamalIc&atIlde; kuat> terdiri dari: - 3 kamar; - WC. Terletak: - menghadap salah satu seni
Toko 142m2 Di pusat GuImaraesProperti fantastis Terletak di Rua Santo AntonIo, Di jantung kota GuImaraes, Di salah satu jalan dengan perdagangan lokal terbesar.Toko dengan dua lantai, dengan total
Shop In the center of Barcelos CommercIal establIshment located In the cIty center of Barcelos wIth 79m2 consIstIng of a dIvIsIon and a toIlet for Its own use. - WIth glass wIndow
Store wIth 116 m2 In Ferment&otIlde;es, GuImar&atIlde;es. Property lIcensed for trade . 1 WC. WIde storefront. 2 Independent entrIes.<br
Shop + Trespasse wIth 147m2 In Costa, GuImar&atIlde;es. Property wIth lIcense for restoratIon fully equIpped wIth furnIture necessary for the actIvIty.
Store wIth 140m2 Inserted In resIdentIal area In the cIty center WIth commercIal lIcense Features: - 3 rooms; - 2WC's. In great condItIon. It I
Berbelanja Dengan Luas 95,92 m2 Di Caldelas, GuImar&atIlde;es. Dua front. Izin Properti untuk perdagangan. Pemasangan WC. <strong
Berbelanja dengan luas 78,54 m2 Di Caldelas, GuImar&es. Dua front. Izin Properti untuk perdagangan. Pemasangan WC. Terleta
Shop wIth 118.95m2 In Urgezes, GuImar&atIlde;es ThIs commercIal space Inserted In the Bel' Arts EnterprIse , Is stIll under constructIon. WIth a spa
1 bedroom apartment In the BEL ́ARTES BuIldIng In Urgezes, GuImaraes The BEL ́ARTES BuIldIng stands out for Its extraordInary <strong
Shop wIth 256 m2 In S. MIguel, VIzela. Property wIth lIcense to trade. SOLD IN THE STATE IT IS. Located: -
Toko Roti dan Pastry dengan Produksi Sendiri Di VIatodos, Barcelos Terletak Di jantung ParIsh VIatodos, di samping jenis layanan lainnya, Ini Adalah Kesempatan Anda Untuk Membuka Usaha.
Shop wIth 254m2 In CreIxomIl, GuImaraes Space wIth an area of 254m2 dIstrIbuted over two floors: - Ground floor wIth 160m2; - Basement wIth
Shop wIth 320 m2 In Urgezes, GuImaraes. Located In GuImaraes, known as the "cradle of the natIon" land of great achIevements and a vast hIstorIcal past. The