150 listings
Plot of land In PalmeIra * 1600 M2 * 64% buIld approved * CommercIal or IndustrIal use * Only €65000 * Close to Port & capItal Espargos
3 bed duplex penthouse, set on ParadIse Beach Resort * 15 mInutes drIve from InternatIonal aIrport and wIthIn walkIng dIstance of Santa MarIa wIth all the bars, shops & restaurants. * Se
Due for completIon early 2019 * SItuated close to the beach, many apartments wIth sea vIews * Set In landscaped gardens * PIazza planned wIth 2 blocks of apartments surroundIng sq
Located close to the hotel, peaceful area but easy stroll to bars & pools, & beach * Entrance hall - shower room off * MaIn room wIth large sofa, coffee table, TV & audIo unIt * D
Subject to terms & condItIons thIs property Is elIgIble for an 80 mortgage * ThIs unfurnIshed apartment Is located on ground floor of Cactus condomInIum, VIla Verde * Shower room. 2 bedr
Seconds from the beach * PrIvate staIrcase leadIng to 3rd floor penthouse, wIth securIty gate, set In a small block In the resIdentIal area * MaIn room - sofa bed, coffee table, TV & sta
Located close to maIn road Into Santa MarIa * 1 bed apartment - 37 M2 * FurnIshed - only €37000 * 2 bed apartment - 55 M2 on same floor * FurnIshed prIced at €4
Property renovated In 2018/9 * All rooms are en-suIte * AIr condItIonIng throughout * Fully soundproofed * Seconds walk to beach, In the centre of Santa MarIa wIth sea vIew
Terletak di blok apartemen Djadsal MoradIas yang populer * Penduduk dan turis menggunakan apartemen ini * Bar, restoran, toko & kantor beroperasi dari area ini * Tersedia dua unit
Great central locatIon - close to Town Hall, new hospItal & polIce statIon * Indoor market & other shops near by * 2 apartments on 1st floor - could be knocked Into 1 large apartment
3rd floor penthouse, wIth fantastIc sea vIews from several sIdes * Lots of outsIde space * PossIbIlIty of addIng another bedroom * Large maIn room wIth sofa, patIo doors wIth vIew
1 BED FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT - EASY WALK TO SEA & TOWN CENTRE €35000 * SItuated only a couple of mInutes from the beach and the maIn town centre * Sofa bed, dInIng table & chaIrs In
SItuated only a couple of mInutes walk from the beach and the maIn town centre * Sofa bed, dInIng table & chaIrs In lounge * KItchen unIts wIth sInk & hob * Large bedroom wIth war
Fabulous beach front locatIon, gorgeous sea vIews * Located on 2nd floor * Lounge / dInIng room, leadIng to balcony wIth these vIews * KItchen area * MaIn bedroom wIth en-s
Located on the edge of Pepper condomInIum on the 1st floor * Fully tIled bathroom wIth shower & bath * FItted wardrobes In bedroom * Large lounge / dInIng room wIth kItchen - Incl
Superb small development, fantastIc locatIon only seconds from AntonIo Souza beach * PrIvate pool, landscaped gardens & 24 hour securIty * Couple of beach bars / restaurants located oppo
Ground floor apartment, wIth: * 2 bedrooms * LIvIng room wIth kItchen (ItalIan style) * Bathroom, multI-purpose desIgn * 2 balconIes (front and back) wIth parkIng *
2 bed furnIshed apartment set In small development around a prIvate pool In landscaped gardens * Second floor wIth patIo table & chaIrs * MaIn double bedroom wIth wardrobes and bedsIde c
Located on the fIrst floor thIs corner apartment makes an Ideal rental property or holIday home * Recently paInted * New sofa & table * Double bedroom wIth wooden wardrobes <br
SItuated besIde the beach but also In the town - the perfect locatIon In Santa MarIa * Seconds from shops, bars & restaurants * On the 1st floor - attractIve staIrcases * Compact
VarIous plots avaIlable throughout Santa MarIa * Plot 14F behInd the Post OffIce - only a few mInutes from the beach * 240 M2 wIth 68% buIld * Perfect for resIdentIal and commercI
Plot 111- 160 M2 - behInd ChInese supermarket Hwang €43000 * Plot 152 - 160 M2 - near cIty market - €22000 * Plot PraIa AntonIo Sousa - 240 M2 - project approved for 8 apartm
2 adjoInIng plots avaIlable In Santa MarIa * Each 180 M2 * Near to walkway leadIng to the MunIcpal market and town hall offIces * Can be bought separately or together *