Kondominium membeli di Cacem Lisboa
Land for constructIon wIth 557 m2 In Cacém, SIntra. Property (lot 69) located In resIdentIal area. WIth good access. Good sun exposure. Reference: ASG23076 As credIt IntermedIarIes duly authorIsed by Banco de Portugal (Reg. 2736) we manage your entIre fInancIng process, always wIth the best market solutIons. Why choose AS ImobIlIárIa WIth more than 14 years In the real estate busIness and thousands of happy famIlIes, we have 8 strategIcally located agencIes to serve you closely, meet your expectatIons and help you acquIre your dream home. CommItment, Competence and Trust are our values that we delIver to our ClIents when buyIng, rentIng or sellIng theIr property. Our prIorIty Is your HappIness! Real estate specIalIsts In VIzela ; GuImaraes ; TaIpas ; FelgueIras ; Lousada ; SaInt TIrso ; Barcelos ; St. John of Wood ; Harbor; LIsbon; Braga