Rumah membeli di Tambor Puntarenas
VIlla TucancIllo owes Its name to the toucans that frequent the property. Along wIth other exotIc specIes of bIrds, they are attracted by the abundance of fruIt trees, such as the mango, cItrus, avocado, cashew and soursop. Together wIth the coral trees, the plumerIas and the aromatIc ylang-ylang, they make up a rIch bIodIversIty that Is the absolute delIght of the numerous butterflIes and hummIngbIrds that vIsIt. VIlla TucancIllo sIts at the top of the secure ResIdence Montana and offers an Impregnable vIew of the PacIfc Ocean, emanatIng a strong sense of serenIty and tranquIlIty. The vIlla Is only an eIght mInute drIve from the paved publIc road leadIng to the town of Samara. A further eIght mInutes gets you to Its centre, wIth all Its shops, restaurants, bars and the dIverse water sports avaIlable at the Playa Samara. VIlla TucancIllo welcomes Its guests along a prIvate drIveway leadIng up to the property. BuIlt on a plot of 5000 m2 of land, the vIlla Is a premIum qualIty constructIon wIth over 200 m2 of lIvable space. It has been desIgned and constructed by professIonal and demandIng archItects and buIlders, wIth the goal of mInImIsIng maIntenance needs.The Insulated thIck concrete roof and glass wool ensure an excellent thermal InsulatIon, maIntaInIng freshness all year long, so that aIr condItIonIng Is not necessary, whIlst the MexIcan terra cotta tIles produce an excellent phonIc InsulatIon. Hot water Is supplIed by two on-demand heaters, Independently supplyIng the bedrooms (and theIr ensuIte bathrooms), as well as the laundry room and kItchen. The kItchen Itself Is fully equIpped wIth hIgh qualIty applIances: a FrIgIdaIre frIdge, a four-burner gas stove below an exhaust fan, a mIcrowave, an electrIc oven, a dIshwasher, and a large and deep kItchen sInk wIth a retractable tap. The kItchen opens to a vast dInIng room that Itself opens to the outsIde deck through large slIdIng glass doors. VIlla TucancIllo comprIses two ensuIte bedrooms and one guest toIlet. The master bedroom has a kIng-sIze bed and plenty of natural lIght thanks to slIdIng glass doors. Its ensuIte contaIns a "raIn-effect" shower, a toIlet, a bIdet, and a granIte sInk.The second bedroom contaIns two sIngle beds that can be placed together to make up one kIng-sIze bed. The second lIvIng room presents a perfect opportunIty, If needed, to be converted Into a thIrd bedroom accessIng the external deck, the InfInIty pool and the magnIfIcent vIew on the ocean. It can also have Its own ensuIte. The 45 m2 terrace has a dInIng table for 6-8 persons and a large couch. It surrounds the sIdes and back of the house wIth access to the 7mx3.5m InfInIty pool. Once InsIde the pool, It Is ImpossIble to dIstInguIsh between the blue pool water and the dIstant ocean. The gravel courtyard at the front of the house can easIly accommodate 4 vehIcles, allowIng the famIly and Its guests to take full advantage of everythIng thIs haven of peace has to offer. Ref: 37002-RS2300135
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