Industri membeli di Kyparissia Peloponnisos
Business building for sale in the region of the Peloponnese , in Stasio ( Mesinia) This business building is organized in the following way: A ground floor of 70 sq.m with one bedroom, one bathroom shower-WC , one Kitchen-living room. A first floor of 110 sq.m with two bedrooms , one master bathroom with bath- shower-WC , one shower-WC , one living room , one kitchen. The above information is based exclusively on information provided by the property owner to our company, which are subject to any typographical errors or price change by him. PURSUANT TO LAW 4072/2012, IN ORDER TO VIEW THE PROPERTY, IT IS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE YOUR ID AND TAX NUMBER WHICH MUST ME INDICATED IN THE DEMONSTRATION AGREEMENT. The indication on the map does not indicate the exact location of the property but the general area in which it is located. For any other information contact us.