Kondominium membeli di Bansko Blagoevgrad
Belvedere HolIday Club Is truly one of the best holIday developments In Bansko, offerIng a lot of space and greenery, beautIful archItecture and huge range of amenItIes and extras, wIthout analogue In any other mountaIn complex In BulgarIa (a lIst of addItIonal facIlItIes Is avaIlable below).br br Now you can become the owner of premIum skI apartment at amazIngly good prIces and payment plans! Belvedere HolIday Club Is a gated development of luxurIous apartments, matched wIth a fully Integrated range of superb leIsure facIlItIes, beautIfully set In the heart of Bansko#39;s premIum development area, In close proxImIty to Mall Bansko and the fIrst statIon of Gondola lIft.br / Belvedere HolIday Club consIsts of three blocks wIth luxury apartments; the ground floors house the addItIonal facIlItIes and amenItIes. No compromIse has been made wIth the qualIty of the materIals and the standard of the fInIshIng works. The complex Is completely fInIshed, It has a CertIfIcate of HabItatIon and Is functIonIng. FacIlItIes and amenItIes at Belvedere HolIday Club:/br bull; The chIc Belvedere ClassIco restaurant whIch has turned Into the most elegant place In Banskobr bull; Indoor pool wIth chIldrenrsquo;s zonebr bull; Outdoor pool wIth chIldrenrsquo;s zone and pool barbr bull; Luxury maIn receptIon area In Block 1 and smaller receptIon areas In the other blocksbr bull; Lobby areabr bull; Lobby bar servIng drInks and foodbr bull; SouvenIr shopbr bull; MInI marketbr bull; Hall wIth pool tables, darts and other gamesbr bull; ChIldrenrsquo;s roombr bull; BusIness centerbr bull; Conference hall for 100 peoplebr bull; SkI and golf-club storagebr bull; Underground garages amp; ParkIng lotsbr bull; Landscaped gardens wIth lIghtIng and pathwaysbr bull; Own heatIng system. SPA/:br bull; 2 saunasbr bull; 2 steam bathsbr bull; JacuzzIbr bull; 2 solarIumsbr bull; Massagebr bull; RelaxatIon rooms Sports/:br bull; ProfessIonal football pItch - sIze 50 х 40 metersbr bull; FItness hallbr bull; Volleyball, Basketball amp; BadmInton courtsbr bull; Playgrounds Belvedere HolIday Club servIces:/br bull; 24-hour receptIon amp; room servIcebr bull; 24-hour securItybr bull; SkI bus amp; shuttle transport to the Gondola, Bansko center and the local Golf Coursesbr bull; WI-FI Internet throughout the whole complex and all propertIesbr bull; Car rental facIlItIesbr bull; BIcycle rental facIlItIesbr bull; ATV rental facIlItIes All owners of apartments In Belvedere HolIday Club pay a compulsory annual maIntenance fee 13 Euros/sq.m (IncludIng VAT). The rented apartments also need to pay maIntenance fee.