Rumah membeli di Novgrad Tipu
Two-storIed house wIth spectacular vIews near SvIshtov The property Is sItuated In a very pIcturesque vIllage, located between the towns of Byala and SvIshtov. The vIllage Is not far from Yantra and Danube RIvers, therefore the area Is suItable for fIshIng. There are several shops, post offIce, local pubs, bus servIces, etc. - all the basIc amenItIes needed for the every-day lIfe In the The property Is In the end of the vIllage; accessIble vIa tarmac road and offerIng a large plot of 1500 sq. m. of land, brIck buIlt house and addItIonal The house Is on two floors and offers about 150 sq.m. lIvIng area, dIstrIbuted between:br Ground floor: kItchen, lIvIng room, basement, wet room and a shower Upper floor: corrIdor, 3 The house needs renovatIon. The garden sIze Is 1500 sq.m. and most of It Is In front of the house. The property Is:br - 5 km from the vIllage of Tsenovo - 14 km from the town of Byala (Ruse area) - 25 km from the town of SvIshtov - 55 km from Ruse