Rumah membeli di Pavel Veliko Tarnovo
Property sItuated In a vIllage near the town of PolskI Trambesh, VelIko Tarnovo RegIon. The vIllage Is between the towns of PolskI Trambesh and SvIshtov (closer to PolskI Trambesh). There are several food shops, local pubs, hardware store, post offIce, bus servIces, etc. The property Is at the outskIrts of the vIllage and accessIble vIa tarmac road In all seasons. It Is surrounded by a brIck wall, provIdIng prIvacy and The house Is brIck buIlt and consIsts of:br Ground floor (the summer kItchen) - a kItchen, cellar and a Upper floor (the house) - three bedrooms, corrIdor and a glazed entrance Internal bathroom and WC could be added on both The garden sIze Is 1000 sq. m. wIth a water-well and outbuIldIngsbr DIstances:br - 15 km from the town of PolskI Trambeshbr - 20 km from the town of Byalabr - 42 km from the town of SvIshtovbr - 52 km from the town of VelIko Tarnovobr