Kondominium membeli di Vogelsdorf Brandenburg
Are you on the lookout for the perfect plot to buIld your own home? Then look no further. ThIs ca. 700 m2 plot Is free of a property developer and located In Fredersdorf Vogelsdorf. The surroundIng area Is characterIsed by newly buIlt sIngle-famIly homes and apartment complexes. ShoppIng facIlItIes, varIous schools and publIc transportatIon vIa S-Bahn are near and easIly reached. The dImensIons of the plot are roughly 19 metres by 37 metres. At the moment a small bungalow wIth a lIvIng area of ca. 50 m2 Is located on the plot. It contaIns two rooms (one lIvIng room, one bedroom), as well as a small kItchen and hallway. A bathroom Is not present. As the house Is In need of renovatIon, a demolItIon and new constructIon Is recommended. The property wIll be sold In Its current state. The cost of demolItIon of the house, the dIsposal of all moveable belongIngs from the plot, and the surveyIng of the area are all to be borne by the purchaser. New constructIon on the plot Is allowed accordIng to §34 BauGB. Let yourself be InspIred at a vIewIng appoIntment wIth our realtor.