Lain membeli di Bersaing Andalusia
Ruang toko/garasi ini terletak di salah satu jalan raya utama Competa. Termasuk di dalam ruangan adalah wc/kamar kecil. Ruang fleksibel dapat disesuaikan dengan berbagai penggunaan tergantung pada izin perencanaan yang relevan. Untuk klarifikasi, kami ingin menginformasikan calon pembeli bahwa rincian penjualan ini telah disiapkan sebagai panduan umum sehingga tidak mengikat atau kontraktual.
Anda mungkin tertarik:
A fabulous family-run hotel with 32 rooms and 4 self-contained bungalows, and private accommodation is situated in the most fantastic village of Axarquia area, with a lively natural village and surro
ThIs countrysIde ranch style estate Is located approxImately 10 mInute drIve from the mountaIn vIllage of Competa. Access Is by way of a part concrete part dIrt track and through metal gates to arrIve
This countryside ranch style estate is located approximately 10 minute drive from the mountain village of Competa. Access is by way of a part concrete part dirt track and through metal gates to arrive
ThIs well establIshed B&B busIness Is set In a spectacular locatIon wIth stunnIng vIews of the countrysIde, mountaIns and the MedIterranean Sea. The property consIsts of owners accommodatIon and four
This well established B&B business is set in a spectacular location with stunning views of the countryside, mountains and the Mediterranean Sea. The property consists of owners accommodation and four
EXCLUSIVE! This holiday retreat complex is located less than a 15 minute drive from the white washed village of Competa. The property is currently run as a successful holiday retreat and is located ri