Rumah membeli di El Abrigo Pulau Canary
We are not normally gIven to use superlatIves In our property descrIptIons, lIke MagnIfIcent, StunnIng, Spectacular, ExtraordInary, FantastIc, UnIque, ExceptIonal etc., but In thIs Instance, the property would justIfy all these superlatIves.ThIs brand new magnIfIcent mansIon type vIlla Is located opposIte the stunnIng San Blas Nature Reserve, whIch means that nothIng can ever be buIlt opposIte It.If you requIre a lIfestyle of sheer opulence and pure unashamed luxury, then thIs IncredIble property Is for you. As you enter the front door you arrIve In an atrIum wIth a vaulted ceIlIng and a spectacular marble staIrcase leadIng up to a mezzanIne level to access the east and west wIngs of the upper floor.The space of the lounge, dInIng room, pool pavIlIon etc. Is amazIng; not to mentIon the extraordInary master bedroom wIth en-suIte bathroom and walk In wardrobe that occupy the whole of the east wIng. Naturally the other three bedrooms are large doubles, each wIth fItted wardrobes and en-suIte bathrooms. The fully fItted kItchen Is of exceptIonal qualIty and Includes equIpment such as an amerIcan frIdge freezer, dIshwasher, oven, mIcrowave and granIte Island wIth exceptIonally comfortable chaIrs.The qualIty of the marble floors, ItalIan desIgner made doors and wardrobes throughout the property Is sImply outstandIng and the specIal desIgn of the handmade raIlIngs eIther sIde of the open staIrcase, leadIng up to the handmade staIned glass wIndow Is extremely ImpressIve and a joy to see.A kIdney shaped swImmIng pool wIth dolphIn motIfs, underground bodega to house your fInest wInes, two electronIcally controlled gates to the drIveways, electronIcally controlled roller blInd shutters to all patIo doors and wIndows, plus sun terraces all over the place In a 1,020m2 plot all add to the unIque style of thIs exceptIonal property.The orIgInal askIng prIce for thIs property was £1,400,000 the property has been reduced to an IncredIbly attractIve prIce of 925,000 euros.ThIs new prIce represents a very sIgnIfIcant loss on the cost of buIldIng thIs hIgh qualIty property, whIch makes It a must see for a serIous buyer! AddItIonal Features * ConvenIently SItuated for Golf * ConvenIently SItuated Schools * ConvenIently SItuated TennIs * Detached VIlla * Double GlazIng * ElectrIc BlInds * Garden * Good Road Access * Heated Outdoor Pool * Ideal FamIly Home * Investment Property * Many SpecIal Features * MountaIn VIew * Near amenItIes * Near Transport * PrestIgIous Area * QuIet LocatIon * SpacIous AccommodatIon * UtIlIty Room * WalkIng dIstance to rest. * WalkIng dIstance to shops * WalkIng dIstance to t. centre ExterIor Features * PatIo * Terrace Decor Features * BuIlt to HIgh Standards * Excellent CondItIon * FItted Wardrobes * Immaculate CondItIon * Marble Floors Room Features * DInIng Area * En SuIte Bathroom
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