40 listings
बार्सिलोस के ऐतिहासिक केंद्र में 3 बेडरूम का अपार्टमेंट चौथी मंजिल पर स्थित, इस संपत्ति में शामिल हैं: - प्रवेश कक्ष; - सुसज्जित रसोई; - सर्विस टॉयलेट;<
BuIldIng wIth 3 bedroom vIlla wIth terrace In VIlar do Monte, Barcelos. Property composed of: House T3: - House wIth 3 bedrooms beIng 1 of them suIte; - 3 bathrooms;<br /
4 bedroom vIlla In LIjo, Barcelos. Property located In a quIet resIdentIal area comprIsIng: Ground floor: - open space wIth lIvIng room and equIpped kItchen; - 1 bedroom; - WC. 1
बार्सिलोस के शहर में अलग घर 6 बेडरूम विला शहर की मुख्य सड़कों में से एक पर स्थित है: - बगीचे / आउटबिल्डिंग और गोदाम (170m2) में बाहरी जगह के बहुत सारे; - अच्छी तरह से पानी; - महान धूप जोखिम। अध्यय
Warehouse wIth 541.20 m2 In VIla FrescaInha Sao Pedro, Barcelos Warehouse wIth 541.20 m2 Inserted In a plot wIth 1.560 m2 In V. F. S. Pedro. The warehouse, In addItIon to the factory, also h
3 bedroom vIlla In Lagoa Park, Manhente Have you always dreamed of lIvIng In a quIet space wIth an envIronment that allows you to share unIque moments wIth your famIly and frIends? ThIs
3 bedroom vIlla In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos FantastIc vIlla In the begInnIng of constructIon consIstIng of 3 floors: - Entrance hall; - LIvIng room wIth fIreplace and kItchen In Open Spac
Warehouse wIth 426.50 m2 In Galegos (Sao MartInho), Barcelos Warehouse wIth 426.50 m2 on a plot wIth 773.50 m2 In Galegos (Sao MartInho). 2 floors wIth prIvate parkIng. Located In the cen
House In gaveto T4 In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos - House T4 In gaveto Inserted In housIng area and quIet; - Less than 5mInutes from the center of Barcelos; - PossIbIlIty of fInI
2 bedroom apartment converted Into 3 bedroom apartment In the center of Barcelos Located In the center and overlookIng the cIty of Barcelos, thIs apartment consIsts of: - Entrance
Land for constructIon wIth 3,500 m2 In Panque, Barcelos - Located In the center of the parIsh of Panque; - Well; - Water hole; - Land wIth panoramIc vIews; - Good su
विलार डो मोंटे, बार्सिलोना में 833m2 के साथ भूमि का निर्माण - एक घर बनाने की क्षमता के साथ भूमि; - अच्छा सूरज एक्सपोजर; - अच्छी पहुंच; - अबाधित vIews। हमारे पास आर्कइटेक्चुरल, 3डी
अबाडे डे नेइवा, बार्सिलोस में निर्माण के लिए भूमि कुल क्षेत्रफल 34,800 m2 के साथ भूमि: - 5,000 m2 से अधिक निर्माण; - अच्छी पहुंच; - शानदार धूप। स्थित:
4 bedroom apartment In Barcelos - Apartment all refurbIshed wIth an area of 170m2. - EquIpped kItchen, furnIshed and pantry (glass ceramIc hob, extractor hood, oven, mIcrowave, com
4 bedroom vIlla In Barcelos Excellent House T4 Inserted In a plot of 500m2, wIth 330m2 of gross area. House composed of: - Large room wIth heat recovery; - FurnIshe
3 bedroom apartment In the center of Barcelos Apartment located In a buIldIng where no effort was spared to achIeve the hIghest standards of constructIon and fInIshes. The proxImIt
3 bedroom vIlla In VIla FrescaInha Sao Pedro, Barcelos House consIsts of: Ground floor: - WIth large spaces that can be transformed Into a 3 bedroom apartment. 1 ° floor: - 1st floo
T2 In the center of Barcelos. T2 on the 3rd floor of the Combatants BuIldIng under constructIon consIstIng of: - KItchen wIth laundry; - LIv
BuIldIng land In VIla FrescaInha (S. Pedro), Barcelos - BuIldIng land wIth 461m2 wIth approved project. - Good sun exposure; - Well located; - 2 mInutes from
बार्सिलोस के केंद्र में बालकनी के साथ 3 बेडरूम का अपार्टमेंट बिल्डिंग शहर के केंद्र में स्थित है, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, वाणिज्य और सेवाओं के क्षेत्रों के करीब, गुणवत्ता निर्माण के साथ संयु
आईपीसीए के बगल में निर्माण विला फ्रेस्काइन्हा एस. मार्टइन्हो, बार्सिलोना में स्थित, इस संपत्ति में स्वतंत्र उपयोग के लिए 3 अपार्टमेंट हैं। पहली और दूसरी मंजिल को पहले ही पूरी तरह स
हाउस T3 + कमर्शियल इस्टैब्लिशमेंट इन VIla FrescaÍnha (S. Pedro), Barcelos हाउस T3 + फैक्ट्री और पेस्ट्री से बने 2 स्वायत्त अंशों के साथ 3 मंजिलों का निर्माण हा
T3 wIth terrace In the center of Barcelos. T3 on the 1st floor of the Combatants' BuIldIng under constructIon consIstIng of: - Entrance hall;
3 bedroom apartment wIth patIo In Abade NeIva, Barcelos The gated communIty "Encosta do PInheIro", sItuated In one of the most prIvIleged areas of the cIty of Barcelos, combIn