615 listings
Land for constructIon wIth 1238 m2 In S. Jo&at
आईपीसीए के बगल में निर्माण विला फ्रेस्काइन्हा एस. मार्टइन्हो, बार्सिलोना में स्थित, इस संपत्ति में स्वतंत्र उपयोग के लिए 3 अपार्टमेंट हैं। पहली और दूसरी मंजिल को पहले ही पूरी तरह स
GamIl, Barcelos में 600 m2 के साथ निर्माण भूमि लॉट 12; GamIl parIsh के केंद्र में स्थित; एक आवासीय क्षेत्र में स्थित है जिसमें सभी बुनियादी ढांचे को पूरा किया गया है; अच्छा सूरज एक्सपो
Land for constructIon wIth 1546m2 In Conde, GuImaraes Owns project for 6 semI-detached houses. Good access. Excellent sun exposure.
Land for constructIon wIth 3,500 m2 In Panque, Barcelos - Located In the center of the parIsh of Panque; - Well; - Water hole; - Land wIth panoramIc vIews; - Good su
3 bedroom apartment In the BEL ́ARTES BuIldIng In Urgezes, GuImaraes The BEL ́ARTES BuIldIng stands out for Its extraordInary <strong
3 bedroom apartment In the center of Barcelos Apartment located In a buIldIng where no effort was spared to achIeve the hIghest standards of constructIon and fInIshes. The proxImIt
अबाडे डे नेइवा, बार्सिलोस में निर्माण के लिए भूमि कुल क्षेत्रफल 34,800 m2 के साथ भूमि: - 5,000 m2 से अधिक निर्माण; - अच्छी पहुंच; - शानदार धूप। स्थित:
3 bedroom apartment In barcelos cIty center Located on the 3rd floor, thIs property consIsts of: - Entrance hall; - KItchen furnIshed and equIpped wIth oven, hob, extractor ho
2 bedroom apartment converted Into 3 bedroom apartment In the center of Barcelos Located In the center and overlookIng the cIty of Barcelos, thIs apartment consIsts of: - Entrance
Land wIth project for 3 bedroom vIlla wIth pool T
वरजीया, बारसेलोस में निर्माण भूमि - निर्माण के 3800m2 के साथ भूमि - उत्कृष्ट सूर्य एक्सपोजर;- अबाधित दृश्य।- राष्ट्रीय सड़क के किनारे;- मोटरवे नोड से 2 मिनट। जैसा कि हमें श्रेय दिया जाता है, बैंको
Land wIth feasIbIlIty for constructIon wIth 1213m2 In NespereIra, GuImar&atIlde;es Land wIth the followIng characterIstIcs: - Near the natIo
Land wIth 6.624,13 m2 wIth feasIbIlIty of constructIon In S&atIlde;o Jo&atIlde;o, VIzela Alert INVESTORS ! Land wIth 6,624.13 m2 wIth feasIbI
3 bedroom apartment In the development MERECES 718, In BarcelInhos Apartment under constructIon consIstIng of: - Hall; - KItchen and lIvIng room In Open S
IndustrIal land wIth 3.450 m2 In S&atIlde;o Jo&atIlde;o, VIzela PossIbIlIty to buIld an IndustrIal pavIlIon composed of FIrst floor<
Land for constructIon wIth 9190 m2 In RIba de Ave. It Is a set of 3 plots (3 Independent artIcles), wIth two fronts. It Is Inserted In urbanIzed area of mIxe
अबाडे डे नेइवा, बार्सिलोस में 3 बेडरूम का अपार्टमेंट गेटेड समुदाय "एनकोस्टा डो पिनहेइरो", बार्सिलोस शहर के सबसे विशेषाधिकार प्राप्त क्षेत्रों में से एक में स्थित है ,
Land for constructIon In Barcelos Land wIth a total area of 4,285 m2, all constructIon. Features: - VIews of the cIty; - Good hIts
T3 wIth terrace In the center of Barcelos. T3 on the 1st floor of the Combatants' BuIldIng under constructIon consIstIng of: - Entrance hall;
BuIldIng land wIth 1000 m2 In S&atIlde;o MIguel, VIzela Located In Travessa de PadIm (S&atIlde;o MIguel), VIzela. ArchItecture project Included. W
Apartment 1 Duplex, In Rua de S. FrancIsco (HIstorIc Center of GuImar&atIlde;es). Property composed of: - Room; - KItchen; - Room;
Floor 2 bedroom vIlla In MoreIra de Canons, GuImar&atIlde;es Property located In a resIdentIal and centralIzed area! Composed of: - FurnIshed and equIpped kItchen;
Land for constructIon In MId&otIlde;es, Barcelos Land wIth a total area of 4357 m2, all constructIon. Enjoy: - Good access; E - Excellent sun exposure. <stron