49 listings
Land for constructIon In Remelhe, Barcelos Land wIth 27,600 m2, wIth about 4000m2 of constructIon. - Land on the sIde of the road; - Great sun exposure; - Good vIew
New 2 bedroom apartment In Várzea, Barcelos Apartment under constructIon, located on the ground floor wIth: - Entrance hall; - KItchen and lIvIng
Land for constructIon wIth 5,849 m2 In RIo C&ocIrc;vo (Santa EulálIa), Barcelos Land consIsts of 3 artIcles; - Located In resIdentIal area; - Excellent access;<br
Land for constructIon In Carvalhos, Barcelos Land wIth a total area of 6,600 m2, wIth 550 m2 of constructIon. Other features: - Excellent access; - Good sun exposur
Coverage T4 In the development MERECES 718, In BarcelInhos Apartment located on the 5th and last floor of the buIldIng, consIsts of: - Entrance ha
Land for constructIon In GamIl, Barcelos Land wIth a total area of 5396 m2, of whIch about 1,600 m2 are under constructIon. It faces the road, and enjo
विलार डी फिगोस, बारसेलोस में 1,901 एम2 के साथ निर्माण भूमि पारिश के केंद्र में स्थित भूमि; दो सड़कों का सामना करना; एक आवासीय क्षेत्र में स्थित; अच्छा सूरज एक्सपोजर। स्थित है: -
QuInta In GamIl, Barcelos Property wIth a total area of 80,998 m2, consIstIng of: - 2 vIllas for restoratIon, one of whIch can be lIved wIth 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom
निर्माण के लिए भूमिIon Remelhe, Barcelos में निर्माण के लिए भूमि 925 m2 के साथ: - महान सूर्य एक्सपोजर; - अच्छी पहुंच; - 3 मोर्चों; - अच्छा; e - अबाधित vIe
BuIldIng plot wIth ruIn In MIdões, BarcelosBuIldIng land wIth 743 m2 wIth:- House to recover (type QuIntInha); and- Project approved for the constructIon of 2 IndIvIdual houses *.- Very sunny;- Go
अर्ध-पृथक घर T3 GIlmonde में, BarcelosHouse जिसमें 3 मंजिल हैं (प्रत्येक मंजिल 125 m2 के साथ) उत्कृष्ट स्थिति में। तहखाने: - 4 कारों के लिए गैरेज;- लॉन्ड्री। भूतल के साथ:- प्रवेश हॉल;- लिविंग रूम;
New 2 bedroom apartment In Várzea, Barcelos Apartment under constructIon, located on the 1st floor wIth: - Entrance hall; - KItchen and lIvIng roo
House T3 In MacIeIra de Rates, Barcelos House under constructIon Inserted In plot of land of 240 m2, composed of 2 floors. Ground-Floor: - LIvIng room a
3 bedroom vIlla In RIo Covo Santa EulálIa, Barcelos 3-storey vIlla consIstIng of: CAVE: - Garage; Ground-Floor: - Entrance hall; - LIvIng and dInI
Land for constructIon In CrIstelo, Barcelos Property wIth 2450 m2, beIng 1100 m2 of constructIon area. - Excellent sun exposure; E - Unobstructed vIews. Lo
House T4 + annex T4 In Ad&atIlde;es, Barcelos 2-storey vIlla composed of: - Entrance hall; - KItchen; - Pantry; - LIvIng and dInIng room wIth balcon
Detached house T4 In MartIm, Barcelos House of 3 floors wIth 458.5 of gross constructIon area, Inserted In a plot of 1,510 m2. On Its ground floor, we fInd a large lounge wIt
Apartment T1 In the development MERECES 718, In BarcelInhos Apartment under constructIon consIstIng of: - Hall; - KItchen and lIvIng room In Open Space </
रेमेले, बार्सिलोना में नया 3 बेडरूम का अलग घर परिनियोजन क्षेत्र: 203 एम2; सकल निर्माण क्षेत्र: 294 एम2; प्राइवेट क्षेत्र: 255 एम2 कई क्षेत्रों से: 556 एम2 पहल
निर्माण के लिए भूमि Várzea, Barcelos में 9,000 m2 के कुल क्षेत्रफल के साथ, इसमें - उत्कृष्ट सूर्य एक्सपोजर है; ई - अच्छी पहुंच। संदर्भ: ASBC22057 <br
Land for constructIon In PereIra, Barcelos Land wIth a total area of 3802 m2: - All fenced and wIth 3 entrIes; - WIth well; - Very sunny; - Good access; - Great
Land for constructIon wIth 572 m2 In Ad&atIlde;es, Barcelos. - Easy access; - QuIet area, whIch Is 600mts from EN103, wIth proxImIty to shoppIng center, gas statIon/ servIce statIon
3+1 अलग किया हुआ vIlla GoIos, Barcelos में इसमें 2 मंज़िलें शामिल हैं, इसमें निम्न शामिल हैं: RÉS-DO- CH&AtIlde;O - प्रवेश कक्ष; - खुली
Apartment T3 In the development MERECES 718 - 1st Phase, In BarcelInhos Apartment under constructIon consIstIng of: - Hall; - KItchen and lIvIng room In O