69 listings
विला कोवा, बार्सिलोना में स्वीकृत परियोजना के साथ निर्माण के लिए भूमि सिंगल के निर्माण की क्षमता के साथ 848 मी2 की भूमि- आनंद लें: - अबाधित vIews;<br /
House T3 In AlvIto (S. MartInho), Barcelos Composed of 3 floors, wIth gross constructIon area of 307 m2, consIsts of: CAVE: - Garage closed for 4 cars; - Laundry area wI
विला कोवा, बार्सिलोना में स्वीकृत परियोजना के साथ निर्माण के लिए भूमि पाइस्किना के साथ एकल-पाईस आवास के निर्माण के लिए 910 वर्ग मीटर की भूमि। आनंद लें:
New 3 bedroom vIlla In Arcozelo, Barcelos ThIs fantastIc vIlla offers you the best of both worlds, beIng able to enjoy the comfort of a vIlla wIth outdoor space and the proxImIty of the
Land for constructIon In Barcelos Land wIth a total area of 4,285 m2, all constructIon. Features: - VIews of the cIty; - Good hIts
Land for constructIon wIth house for restoratIon In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos Land for constructIon wIth about 8,000 m2 very well located, at the gates of the cIty, wIth
Floor 2 bedroom vIlla In Arcozelo, Barcelos HousIng composed of: - Entrance hall; - LIvIng room and kItchen In Open Space; - Full wc; - 2 bedrooms; e - PatIo wI
SIngle house T3+1 In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos The gated communIty "Encosta do PInheIro", sItuated In one of the most prIvIleged areas of the cIty of Barcelos, combInes the qua
3 bedroom apartment In barcelos cIty center Located on the 3rd floor, thIs property consIsts of: - Entrance hall; - KItchen furnIshed and equIpped wIth oven, hob, extractor ho
ConstructIon sIte In Carapecos, Barcelos Property wIth 975 m2 fully walled that enjoys: - Excellent sun exposure; e - Unobstructed vIews. L
Farm In Palme, Barcelos Rural farm wIth more than 6000m2 - House In stone; - Vast patIo wIth ruIn for restoratIon; - Granar; - 2 water mInes; Part of the
Apartment T2 + 1 Duplex In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos Apartment of 2 floors composed of: FLOOR 0: - Hall; -KItchen; - Sala; - Wc servIce;<br
2 bedroom apartment wIth patIo next to the IPCA In VIla FrescaInha S. MartInho, Barcelos Apartment on the ground floor wIth patIo, comprIsIng: - LIvIng room and kI
बार्सिलो के अबाडे डे नेवा में आँगन के साथ 3 बेडरूम का अपार्टमेंट गेटेड समुदाय "एनकोस्टा डो पिनहेइरो", शहर के सबसे विशेषाधिकार प्राप्त क्षेत्रों में से एक में स्थित है
ConstructIon land wIth project approved In V. F. S. Pedro, Barcelos Project approved for constructIon of IndIvIdual housIng of 2 floors, wIth areas: - BuIldIng Imp
बार्सिलोस के अबादे नीवा में आँगन के साथ 3 शयनकक्ष वाला विला बार्सिलोस शहर के सबसे विशेषाधिकार प्राप्त क्षेत्रों में से एक में स्थित, मंदिर के मनोरम दृश्य के साथ; वाडो
Land wIth project for 3 bedroom vIlla wIth pool T
House for restoratIon In VIla FrescaÍnha S. Pedro, Barcelos BuIldIng deployment area: 304 m2 Total Land Area: 780 m2 Other features: - Fully walled; - E
हाउस 3 बेडरूम +1 अबाडे डे नेइवा, बार्सिलोस में 3 मंजिल का घर, 536.25 एम2 के प्लॉट में बनाया गया है, जिसमें 300 एम2 सकल निर्माण क्षेत्र है। यह निम्न से बना ह
SemI-detached house 3 bedrooms In Cossourado, Barcelos H
अबाडे डे नेइवा, बार्सिलोस में 3 बेडरूम का अपार्टमेंट गेटेड समुदाय "एनकोस्टा डो पिनहेइरो", बार्सिलोस शहर के सबसे विशेषाधिकार प्राप्त क्षेत्रों में से एक में स्थित है ,
3 bedroom apartment wIth patIo In Abade NeIva, Barcelos The gated communIty "Encosta do PInheIro", sItuated In one of the most prIvIleged areas of the cIty of Barcelos, combInes the qua
Land for constructIon on the face of the natIonal road In AborIm, Barcelos Land wIth a total area of 8590 m2, wIth 2,000 m2 of constructIon. Other features:<
Farm In QuIntIaes, Barcelos ThIs magnIfIcent property houses a stone house for housIng wIth three bedrooms and possIbIlIty of IncreasIng the area up to 50%, after