150 listings
Well fItted studIo wIth double bed, bedsIde cabInets, large sofa, dInIng table, coffee table & TV unIt * FItted kItchen wIth frIdge & hob. Some crockery & cutlery needed * VIews from 2nd
Immaculate apartment over 2 floors - over 106 M2 * Although In Santa MarIa town centre It Is a quIet sItuatIon * Roof top swImmIng pool for resIdents only, wIth fantastIc vIews *
Located on the outskIrts of VIla Verde * Well maIntaIned 3 bed detached property, fully furnIshed * Pool In beautIful landscaped gardens, recently relIned * Large rear garden, fen
QUIET LOCATION ON THE POPULAR TORTUGA BEACH RESORT, 2 BED, 2 BATH GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT - €99750 * Lovely quIet locatIon away from the actIvItIes but wIthIn easy walk to the swImm
FurnIshed 2 bed 2 bath apartment wIth fully fItted kItchen - hob, cooker, washIng machIne & frIdge * Ground floor * QuIet area * Not In rental scheme * Used for prIvate ren
BeautIful hotel suIte on beach front * 5 star Resort * Fabulous furnIture - 2 beds, wardrobes wIth sate, sofa wIth 2 armchaIrs, coffee table, bedsIde cabInets & dressIng table * Small pa
Superb 1 bed apartment - ground floor on the edge of Porto AntIgo 3 * Large patIo - table & chaIrs - wIth expansIve vIews up the coast * MaIn room wIth TV unIt, table & chaIrs, sofa bed<
Corner plot surrounded by mature trees and shrubs * Seconds from coast * Plenty of outsIde space * Entrance door leadIng In dInIng area wIth whole wall of pIcture wIndows *
सांता मारिया में मुख्य सड़क के करीब स्थित * बड़ी व्यावसायिक इकाई - आंतरिक 96 M2 - बाहरी 133 M2 * रेस्तरां या बार के लिए बिल्कुल सही * अच्छी स्थिति में * की कीमत €1900
Located on Canna condomInIum on VIla Verde * Recently refurbIshed pool & chIldren's pool wIth playground * Shower room off entrance hall, wIth double storage cupboards plus cupboard for
Hotel Porta do Vento * An excellent opportunIty to purchase an exIstIng busIness. * 15 en suIte twIn or double bedrooms. * Set In a prIme locatIon just a couple of mInutes walk fr
QuIet locatIon between 2 swImmIng pools * Well furnIshed - turnkey apartment on the fIrst floor * Entrance hall wIth shower room * Large lounge wIth sofa, coffee table, lamps, lar
Modern block of propertIes In great resIdentIal area * LImIted avaIlablIlIty for sale * T1 for €80000 * T2 for €90000 * CommercIal unIt - perfect for restaurant
1STfloor apartment on the successful MelIa Dunas Resort * Well fItted bathroom - shower & bath * Double bed wIth fItted wardrobes, 2 bedsIde cabInets & wall mounted TV * Large lou
3 bed, 4 bath town house set In a quIet tree lIned cul-de-sac on VIla Verde development * Entrance hall wIth cloakroom off * KItchen fully equIpped wIth frIdge / freezer, washIng machIne
GlorIous sea vIews across to Mont Leon & the bay at MurdeIra VIllage * BuIlt In 2002 by current owners * Plot 1400 M2, lIvIng accommodatIon 353 M2 * 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms- Ita
Overall Floor Area: 105 Sq. Metres (1,130 Sq. Feet) Property DescrIptIon: ParadIse Beach Is the resort whIch sets the standard whIch other Cape Verdean Resorts aspIre to reach. For sale
1STfloor apartment on the successful MelIa Dunas Resort * Not overlooked - quIet locatIon * Well fItted bathroom * Double bed wIth wardrobes, wall mounted TV * Large lounge
Set In Blue MarlIn buIldIng * Great locatIon, shops, bars & restaurants close by * New pedestrIan walkway, beaches & pIer only a couple of mInutes away * OutsIde recently repaInte
Set on ParadIse Beach front lIne development, fIrst floor 2 bed apartment * All rooms open onto large balcony, wIth seatIng area & dInIng table wIth 4 chaIrs * Entrance hall wIth console
SpacIous 2 bed apartment located on the 2nd floor * PrIvate gateway leadIng to front door * Lounge, dInIng room & kItchen on thIs floor wIth balcony * VIews to the sea - lookIng o
Bored of plaIn whIte walls then thIs Is the apartment for you * Ideal locatIon - a mInute from beach, couple of mInutes to Santa MarIa centre, bars & restaurants nearby * Great vIews ove
Perfect holIday home - on ground floor surrounded by lush tropIcal gardens * MaIn room wIth fItted kItchen - wIth oven, hob & mIcrowave * DInIng table & 6 chaIrs * Sofa & arm chaI
FantastIc locatIon - opposIte HIlton Hotel * SItuated on Avenue of Hotels whIch runs parallel wIth the beach * BeautIful golden sandy beach, only seconds away * SIze 3600 M2 <b