24 listings
Light Industrial ( LD ) Land for sale in Mameer BD.20/- per foot This industrial / commercial land is located in mameer, sitra area. Located in prime location, near BAPCO , back side of Zayani Motors
Beautiful House for Sale in BuKowarah BD.160,000/- This newly renovated house is located in BuKowarah, very nice residential area, consist of spacious hall, majlis, 2 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, very sp
Light Industrial ( LD ) Land for sale in Mameer BD.15/- per foot This industrial / commercial land is located in mameer, sitra area. Located in prime location, near BAPCO , back side of Zayani Motors
Light Industrial Land ( LD ) for sale in Ras Zuwaid BD.14/- per foot This industrial land is located in Ras Zuwaid, Opp.ALBA , land area is 1050 Sqm , can make any industrial workshop, warehouse, fac
बिक्री के लिए भवन। स्थान: दक्षिणी रिफ़ा, हुनैनियाह। 3 दुकानें। 2 फ्लैट।
"Semi Furnished brand new villa for sale in Riffa, BuKowarah BD.250K This luxury villa consisit of 4 bed rooms, 5 bath rooms, 2 living area, haousemaid and laundry area, 2 equipped kitchen, split unit
Beautiful House for Sale in BuKowarah BD.199,000/- This newly renovated house is located in BuKowarah, very nice residential area, consist of spacious hall, majlis, 2 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, very sp
Industrial Land ( LD ) for Sale in Ras Zuwaid, Opp. ALBA BD.12/- per Sqf This Industrial / Commercial property is located in Ras Zuwaid area with land area of 2503 Sqm, nearby Nesto Super Market, Oppo
Incomplete 4 BHK villa for sale in Sanad BD.140000/- This villa contains 4 bed rooms, 5 bath rooms, spacious hall, dining area, 2 kitchen, car parking, garden, housemaid room, laundry etc. Land area i
Beautiful Garden Villa for Sale in Riffa, Al Hajjiyat BD.330K This beautiful villa is located in Riffa Al Hajjiyat , ground floor consist of 2 spacious hall, and guest bedroom with ensuit bathroom, se
Brand New Commercial Building for Sale in Mameer, Near Albandar BD.1,300,000/- This commercial property is located in Mameer Near Albandar, Having * 1901 Sqm Land Area, * 5000 Sqm Buildup Area * 6 co
Industrial Land ( LD ) for Sale in Ras Zuwaid, Opp. ALBA BD.10/- per Sqf This Industrial / Commercial property is located in Ras Zuwaid area with land area of 2503 Sqm, nearby Nesto Super Market, Oppo
[hidden]/message/WDNIQIWR4V7FD1 2 BHK Luxury Apartment for Sale (With income) in Danaat Al Riffa W BD.65,000/- This 2 bed room luxury apartment In Danaat Al Riffa is located in North Riffa at a wal
[hidden]/message/WDNIQIWR4V7FD1 Brand-New High-Quality Luxury Villa for Sale in Riffa Bukowarah BD.225,000/- This Brand-New Villa located in Riffa Bukowarah area Prime location. Villa Futures: * Land
A charming Fully Furnished three bedroom chalet in Zallaq BD.18000/- Only A wonderful 3 bedroom chalet in Zallaq Private Beach, Chalet has amazing panoramic views from the living area, 3 master bed r
Light Industrial Land (WS ) for sale in Askar, behind ALBA BD.96000/- This industrial land is located in Askar, near ALBA, classified as WS , can construct Warehouse/factory/workshop or any industrial
High Quality brand new villa for sale in Riffa, BuKowarah BD.225K This luxury villa consisit of 4 bed rooms, 5 bath rooms, 2 living area, haousemaid and laundry area, 2 equipped kitchen, split unit a/
नया भवन बिकाऊ है। स्थान दक्षिणी रास Zuwayed। 20 बेड रूम। 4 रसोई और भंडार। 29 बाथरूम और वॉशबेसिन। 1 शोरूम। काम की दुकान।
DAMAC टावर्स रियाद, जुड़वां टावर - प्रत्येक अपने विशिष्ट व्यक्तित्व और डिजाइन के साथ - रियाद क्षितिज की शोभा बढ़ाने वाले वास्तुशिल्प स्थलों में शामिल हैं। किंग फहद रोड पर स्थित, डैमैक टावर्स रियाद में
DAMAC टावर्स रियाद में बिक्री के लिए सुसज्जित और सर्विस्ड अपार्टमेंट प्रदान करता है - डीलक्स कमरे, सुइट्स और पेंटहाउस के रूप में उपलब्ध है। टावर ए के अंदरूनी हिस्सों में बढ़िया इतालवी संगमरमर, अरबी गि