125 listings
S4 - BRAND NEW SUPER STUDiO ENSUiTE. Brand new super-studio room available in September. This is a self-contained bedroom with an ensuite. We are just finishing the refurbishment
BEDSiT ROOM WiTH SHARED KiTCHEN AND BATHROOM Great bedsit in the centre of Oxford near the Sackler Library. Perfect for all University graduates. The property comprises of a studio room of appr
S5 - BRAND NEW SUPER STUDiO ENSUiTE. ALL BiLLS iNC ENSUiTE Brand new super-studio room available 1st September. This is a self-contained bedroom with an ensuite and small kitchenette. Yo
BRiLLiANT FiRST FLOOR FLAT iN A GREAT LOCATiON Modernised flat in sought after area. Easy access to local amenities and transport links. Fully furnished including washer/dryer, cooker, microwav
GREAT CENTRAL 4 BED FLAT. PERFECT FOR EVERY UNiVERSiTY STUDENT Spacious 4 bed flat in City Centre. You can't get more central than this. The property has 4 large bedrooms, a giant living
BEAUTiFUL 5 BED LARGE HOUSE iN A GREAT LOCATiON - DOUBLES Large spacious 5 bedroom house in big open plan kitchen and large garden. The property has an amazing open plan kitchen living r
DOUBLE ROOM AVAiLABLE - SHORT TERM - FFB A great double room is available in St Clements, which is fully furnished and is decorated to a high standard. This property is being decorated a
DOUBLE ROOM AVAiLABLE - FFM A great double room is available in St Clements, which is fully furnished and is decorated to a high standard. This property is being decorated and upgraded.
GROUND FLOOR ONE BED FLAT WiTH GARDEN ACCESS Large spacious 1 bedroom basement flat in sought after area. Furnished including washing machine, fridge/freezer, microwave and cooker. <b
GROUND FLOOR 2 BEDROOM FLAT - WiTH GARDEN Large spacious 2 bedroom flat in sought after area. Fully furnished including washing machine, fridge/freezer, microwave and cooker and bathroom
LARGE NEW 3 DOUBLE BED FLAT ON THE FiRST FLOOR. CiTY CENTRE. Large spacious first floor 3-bedroom flat in sought after area. Fully furnished including washing machine, fridge/freeze and
S3 - बिल्कुल नया सुपर स्टूडियो इनसुइट। सभी BiLLS iNC बिल्कुल नया सुपर-स्टूडियो कमरा उपलब्ध है। बगीचे के नज़ारों के साथ संलग्न। यह एक संलग्न के साथ एक स्व-निहित बेडरूम है। हम अभी ए
TOP FLOOR THREE BEDROOM FLAT ON COWLEY ROAD - BEEN REFURBiSHED Large spacious 3 bedroom flat in sought after area. Fully furnished including washing machine, fridge/freezer, microwave an
4 बेड फ़्लैट सेंट क्लेमेंट्स में शानदार डबल रूम - FRB बड़े विशाल 4 बेडरूम फ़्लैट की मांग की गई है। वाशिंग मशीन, फ्रिज/फ्रीज़र, माइक्रोवेव और कुकर सहित पूरी तरह से सुसज्जित। यह सं
A BRiLLiANT 4 DOUBLE ROOMS HOUSE BY CiTY CENTRE LOCATiON A lovely 4 bed house very near Oxford city centre. A 4 bed HMO perfect for Students or Professionals. Postgrads, Under Gra
SUPERB 4 DOUBLE BEDROOM FLAT ON COWLEY ROAD Great Student Flat Available for next academic year! Large spacious 4 bedroom first floor flat in sought after area. Fully furnished wi
NEW PENTHOUSE APARTMENT WiTH 3 DOUBLE ROOMS AND STUDY OVERLOOKiNG CANAL A lovely new flat with 3 lovely, bright double bedrooms, a bathroom with shower and a living room overlooking the canal.<
ईस्ट ऑक्सफ़ोर्ड में BRiLLiANT 5 बेड हाउस आधुनिक 5 शयनकक्षों वाला साझा घर जो मांग में है। स्थानीय सुविधाओं और परिवहन लिंक के लिए आसान पहुँच। वाशर/ड्रायर सहित पूरी तरह से सुसज्जित ,
5 DOUBLE BEDROOMS - RiGHT iN CENTRE OF ST CLEMENTS Great student house with 5 double rooms bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. Small garden area and situated between London Road and Cowley R
BRAND NEW FiRST FLOOR FLAT iN NORTH OXFORD BY CANAL A lovely first floor flat with two double bedrooms, a bathroom with shower and a living room overlooking the canal. The flat comes ful
LARGE NEWLY RENOVATED FiRST FLOOR FLAT OVERLOOKiNG THE CANAL - DOUBLES A lovely spacious flat with four bedrooms, large bright and airy living room with French doors to the balcony that overloo
BRiLLiANT DOUBLE BEDROOM 4 BED FLAT iN CiTY CENTRE You can't get closer than this to the City Centre! This large 4 bed city centre flat is on the first floor of a large St John St building.
S6 - आधुनिक सुपर स्टूडियो ENSUiTE। आधुनिक सुपर-स्टूडियो कमरा उपलब्ध है। यह एक संलग्न के साथ एक स्व-निहित बेडरूम है। यह एक बड़ा कमरा है जिसमें एक अंतर, इस कमरे का अपना निजी बाथरूम