मकान खरीदें Longniddry पूर्वी लोथियन
TradItIonal semI detached vIlla offerIng great potentIal. The property offers the opportunIty to create a bespoke famIly home. The well proportIoned accommodatIon comprIses;... * download brochure * download floor plan * vIew property vIdeo About the property TradItIonal semI detached vIlla offerIng great potentIal. The property offers the opportunIty to create a bespoke famIly home. The well proportIoned accommodatIon comprIses; hall, sIttIng room, dInIng room, kItchen, three bedrooms, bathroom wIth whIte three pIece suIte havIng a shower over the bath. There Is electrIc heatIng at ground floor level, plus double glazIng, along wIth an enclosed rear garden, easIly maIntaIned front garden and a mono block drIveway leadIng to a sIngle garage. LongnIddry Is a quIet yet convenIent vIllage set only 6 mIles from the centre of Musselburgh and wIthIn easy reach of EdInburgh. The vIllage has hIstorIc Interest and has proved a popular choIce wIth dIscernIng purchasers of all age groups. It has a well reputed prImary school, many socIal and recreatIonal amenItIes IncludIng local shops and a range of golf courses wIthIn easy reach, as well as beautIful coastal walks at the nearby LongnIddry Bents. Regular bus servIces operate locally and a raIl statIon offers a regular servIce to EdInburgh Waverley. Fast maIn roads lead to all surroundIng areas vIa the A1 and EdInburgh CIty Bypass, whIch connects quIckly and easIly to the motorway network and EdInburgh AIrport. A wIde range of "HIgh Street" stores are readIly avaIlable at Fort KInnaIrd RetaIl Park, just off the A1 on the way Into EdInburgh. Rooms SIttIng room 4.09 x 4.04 DInIng room 3.48 x 2.62 KItchen 3.48 x 2.34 Bedroom 1 4.19 x 2.62 Bedroom 2 3.51 x 3.12 Bedroom 3 3.17 x 2.44 Bathroom x