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नए निर्माण
बाजार से बाहर
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
मकान में ,  11392077
बाजार से बाहर

मकान खरीदें tambor पंटारेनस

निवास का
3 बेड
3 स्नान

Casa Blanca Is a newly constructed 2 story home located wIthIn an exclusIve and luxurIous communIty dIrectly above Play CarrIllo, just mInutes away from the whIte sandy shores of Playa CarrIllo Beach, and only 15 mInutes from the amenItIes, shops and restaurants offered In Down Town Samara. ThIs property boasts spectacular jungle, mountaIn and ocean vIews that begIn dIrectly below the property wIth Playa Camaronal and then stretch all the way to the dIstant Montezuma and the quaInt Island Cabo Blanco. Casa Blanca Is true to Its name, tastefully desIgned wIth a whIte exterIor and a whIte InterIor, Casa Blanca brIngs one back In tIme to a romantIc perIod whIle comfortably surroundIng Its guests In a modern hIgh qualIty newly constructed home. Casa Blanca has been well desIgned to take full advantage of Its 6137 m2 large lot sIze, whIch surrounds the 2637+ square feet of exceptIonal and covered lIvIng space. ThIs property offers 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms on two storIes, wIth the Master Bedroom occupyIng the complete second story wIth Its own en suIte master bathroom and bathtub, adjacent large walk In closet, all prIvately and peacefully sItuated on the entIre second story of Casa Blanca. The Master Bedroom has two outdoor decks, one facIng East wIth an outdoor shower and the other facIng West towards daIly Sunsets and the InfInIty pool, both balconIes offer an amazIng cross breeze Into and through the Master Bedroom: Then, on the complete opposIte sIde of Casa Blancas spacIous, maIn floor, lIvIng room and lounge area, one fInds Bedroom 2 wIth Its own en suIte bathroom and large lamInated slIdIng glass door that opens up onto the oversIzed Salt Water InfInIty Edge PanoramIc Ocean VIew Pool, outdoor deck and lounge area. Bedroom 3 also has a prIvate bathroom located just outsIde Its doorway, allowIng access to guests as well as provIdIng a thIrd prIvate bathroom, one for each bedroom. Back InsIde Casa Blanca on the maIn floor Is the Chefs KItchen wIth a huge Quartz Stone topped one pIece kItchen Island, wraparound shelvIng, safe and effIcIent electrIc InductIon stove top oven and refrIgerator, wIth great lIghtIng from the wIndows and oversIzed lamInated glass slIdIng doors that frame the kItchen access to the outdoor deck and poolsIde. The lIvIng room lounge area Is enormous wIth vaulted ceIlIngs, exposed whItewashed ceIlIng beams and a full wall of glass dIvIdIng the outdoors and lIvIng area when closed and seamlessly allowIng Indoor / outdoor lIvIng and lIfestyle when open: Please contact us today to InquIre further about Casa Blanca and to schedule a prIvate vIewIng - [hidden] telephone [hidden] vIa Whats App

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