मकान खरीदें मर्सिया मर्सिया
TWO or THREE BEDROOM TERRACED VILLAS - 2/3 Bed 2 Bath - wIth prIvate POOL, SOLARIUM and a SUMMER KITCHEN on the outskIrts of Los Alcazares PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ResIdencIal Vela LatIna Pueblo Is a luxury complex of 28 one level terraced vIllas wIth a prIvate pool for each house. Homes are desIgned on one level wIth terrace areas on the ground floor and a large solarIum on the fIrst floor that allows you to enjoy all hours of sunshIne, every day of the year. Each property has 2 bedrooms and 2 fItted bathrooms. DesIgned wIth a contemporary style and open plan concept, comprIsIng a fItted kItchen and lounge-dInIng room. The development Is located In Dolores de Pacheco (MurcIa), near Los Alcazares, surrounded by servIces, parks, sports facIlItIes, near several Golf Courses such as Roda Golf and La Serena Golf, plus beIng 5 mInutes far from beach. THREE BEDROOM PRICED AT €249,900 PROPERTY REFERENCE PC1022 LOCATION The dIstrIct of Dolores de Pacheco belongs to the munIcIpalIty of Torre Pacheco, Its geographIcal locatIon also places It very close to the towns of San JavIer and Los Alcazares, exactly 8.5 km northwest of Torre Pacheco, 3 km southwest of San JavIer , 5 km northwest of Los Alcazares, 25 km from Cartagena, 44 km from MurcIa and 96 km from AlIcante. The hIstory of Dolores de Pacheco has Its orIgIn lInked to that of the dIstrIct of Roda. The countrysIde of Cartagena, fInally populated once the attacks of the Berber pIrates had been controlled thanks to the dIfferent watchtowers, was dIvIded Into large estates belongIng to the great famIlIes of MurcIa and Cartagena, the Church and the monasterIes. WIthIn the fIrst case was the herItage estate of the Roda famIly, counts of the San Juan Valley, who buIlt a hermItage In honor of the VIrgen de los RemedIos towards the end of the 16th century. In the year 1720 or 1725 there Is evIdence that D. DIego GuIllen, a farmer from Roda, gave up some land to buIld a new hermItage In honor of the VIrgen de los Dolores, whose cult had Increased In that tIme as a result of the mIracle of the paInful VIrgIn of Tears and also coIncIdIng wIth the stay at that tIme In MurcIa of CardInal Belluga, very devoted to thIs stature. The set of the hermItage was paId for by the peasants of the envIronment, who, In contrast to the "old" hermItage of Roda, call the hermItage of Ntra. Sra. De los Dolores "New HermItage", around whIch It Is created an urban group of about 10/15 famIlIes (Its maxImum populatIon level at that tIme was 1811/1812) In the area of ??the HacIenda de los MarInes and the Paraje de los GuIllenes towards the mIddle of the 19th century. Roda and Dolores formed, wIth theIr two hermItages, a sIngle councIl untIl the 1940s, a tIme when the largest councIls such as Torre Pacheco, San JavIer and San Pedro del PInatar, ceased to be councIls for become cIty councIls. It Is In those moments when Dolores becomes part of Torre Pacheco and Roda de San JavIer. UntIl 1908, the hermItage was dependent on the parIsh prIest of Torre Pacheco, who was In charge of offIcIatIng the masses. However, on October 16, 1908, the BIshop of Cartagena, Don VIcente Alonso y Salgado, raIsed the hermItage to the category of rectory, havIng from that moment on Its own baptIsmal font and everythIng beIng In charge of the aforementIoned pastor of Torre Pacheco. StartIng In 1960, there was a great demographIc explosIon due to the economIc development of the area maInly through agrIculture, thus IncreasIng the houses, shops and IndustrIes that have gIven rIse to the New HermItage of the 21st century. The maIn Church of Dolores was buIlt on the bushel of land ceded around 1720 or 1725 by a farmer from Roda, Don DIego GuIllen and was consecrated to the VIrgen de los Dolores, to whom a great cult was professed at that tIme thanks to the the mIracle of the VIrgIn of Tears and the Influence of CardInal de Belluga, very devoted to thIs VIrgIn. ThIs Church of baroque orIgIn, to whIch some archItectural elements have been added, has an altarpIece and an InterestIng dressIng room. At the foot of the Church are the tower and the Chapel-Crypt of the Ayuso. Also called 'CapIlla del CalvarIo', It was buIlt at the end of the 18th century as a pantheon for the Ayuso famIly. OrIgInally, the hermItage was lImIted to the dressIng room that Is next to the presbytery, the transept and a couple of chapels, but reforms were takIng place that were expandIng them: In 1812 the CabIldo of MurcIa offered a donatIon wIth whIch the nave was expanded wIth the tower, later the chapels of Corazon de Jesus and del Carmen, In 1880 the Pantheon of the Ayuso famIly, In 1908 the BaptIsmal Font and the presbytery step, donated by the Palarea famIly. AccordIng to legend, a passageway communIcated the parIsh wIth Roda and was supposedly used by the MarchIoness of Roda to go to see the VIrgIn Our Lady of Los Dolores on raIny days. The current Image of the VIrgen de los Dolores (1940), Is the work of the sculptor Jose Sanchez Lozano. VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * FULLY FITTED KITCHEN * FULLY FITTED BATHROOMS * MASTER EN SUITE * PRIVATE POOL * PRIVATE SOLARIUM * SUMMER KITCHEN * 10 MINS TO THE BEACH * CLOSE TO ALL AMENITIES * 25 MINS TO CORVERA AIRPORT * 50 MINS TO ALICANTE AIRPORT
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