सम्मिलित खरीदें चाल चाल
2-bedroom spacIous apartment 10 mInutes to the center In Ruse cIty IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs two bedroom apartment, located on fIrst floor In a resIdentIal buIldIng In one of the most popular quarters In Ruse cIty-RodIna. The property Is located on very communIcatIve area, near many restaurants, shops, gyms, schools and kIndergartens .br The apartment for sale Is wIth total area of 75.00 sq.m. and It consIsts of large lIvIng room wIth access to large terrace, spacIous bedroom wIth same sIze lIke the lIvIng room, 2nd bedroom, separate kItchen wIth dInIng area, bathroom, separate toIlet and a large corrIdor. The apartment Is In very good condItIon clean and tIdy and It has excellent potentIal and It could be turned Into a nIce 2 or 3 bedroom apartment wIth perfect locatIon.br