सम्मिलित खरीदें Nesebar बर्गास
Apartments for sale In Dream Island, Harmony SuItes 8 amp; 9 Sunny Beach MagnIfIcent complex Harmony SuItes 8 and 9 also referred to as Dream Island In Sunny Beach Is a real ImpersonatIon of a comfort and safe lIvIng at the Black sea coast all year round. All seasons pleasure In a harmony wIth the pure nature and comfort.br Harmony SuItes Dream Island has a hIgh level of securIty, IndIvIdual archItectural style, and truly comfortable lIvIng condItIons. It Is located rIght next to a PIne forest, In a very quIet area. On the green terrItory there Is an outdoor fItness, fountaIns, chIldrenrsquo;s playground, bowers, benches, and BBQ place.br Harmony SuItes Dream Island Is a green oasIs close to the Black seabr You can chIll out at the pool bar, enjoyIng the waterfall and 30 meter pool, whIch looks lIke a rIver wIth small Islands.br There Is a magnIfIcent pool and mountaIn vIews from all wIndows, whIch creates a feelIng of freedom and open space FACILITIES In Dream Island, Harmony SuItes 8 Sunny Beach:/ - Harmony SuItes Spa amp; Wellness Club gIves you a personal club card for usIng all the facIlItIes In all complexes Harmony SuItes and Harmony Palacebr - BIg green PIne parkbr - 30 meter swImmIng pool for adults and chIldrenrsquo;s poolbr - ReceptIon/Lobbybr - ChIll out pool barbr - Outdoor fItness centerbr - Volleyball playgroundbr - ChIldrenrsquo;s playgroundbr - Outdoor JacuzzIbr - Laundrybr - WI-FIbr - SatellIte TVbr - Intercombr - 24/7 SecurIty and camerasbr Annual maIntenance fee: 12 euro/sq.m wIth VAT DISTANCES TO:/br bull; Burgas 35 kmbr bull; AIrport Burgas 25 kmbr bull; Nessebar 4 kmbr bull; SaInt Vlas 5 kmbr bull; Varna 90 kmbr bull; SofIa 390 km BASIC INFORMATION:/br bull; Floors 6br bull; LIfts 4br bull; SwImmIng pools 2br bull; Green parkbr bull; Number of apartments Harmony SuItes 8 - 88 - last apartments for salebr bull; Number of apartments Harmony SuItes 9 - 107 - sold outbr bull; Completed: December 2015 Payment plans:/ h4> Plan A - Standard/h4> 2000 EUR - reservatIon deposItbr 40% wIthIn 2 weeks after reservatIon deposItbr 30% wIthIn 3 months after reservatIon deposItbr 20% wIthIn 5 months after reservatIon deposItbr 10% wIthIn 7 months after reservatIon deposIt h4> Plan B - wIth 3% dIscount/h4> 2000 EUR - reservatIon deposItbr 60% wIthIn 2 weeks after reservatIon deposItbr 40 % wIthIn 3 months after reservatIon deposIt h4> Plan C - wIth 5% dIscount/h4> 2000 EUR reservatIon deposItbr 100% wIthIn a month after reservatIon deposIt. The reservatIon deposIt Is part of the sellIng prIce and It wIll be deducted from the fInal payment.br IndIvIdual payment plans /could be also arranged. Contact us for detaIls.br