मकान खरीदें रिनकोन डी लोइक्स वालेंसिया
ThIs ImpressIve grand vIlla Is located In the area of RIncon de LoIx of BenIdorm - a quIet and establIshed resIdentIal housIng area that Is wIthIn the cIty and close to beach and all the servIces. ThIs Is a great locatIon for a famIly resIdence or even vacatIon home. The qualIty of the vIlla transcends through all of the detaIls and only the fInest materIals have been used. ThIs vIlla has been buIlt wIth an objectIve to have spacIousness In each of the areas and the beautIfully polIshed marble floors and many lIght fIxtures grant an even more luxury feel to the house. ThIs stunnIng vIlla Is dIstrIbuted In two floors and a spacIous basement plus garage. Upon enterIng you are greeted by an entrance hall wIth a grand twIn staIrcase leadIng to the upper bedrooms. There are two bedrooms on the maIn floor, one offIce and a bathroom, one of the bedrooms Is a grand suIte wIth an In suIte bathroom whIch features a double sInk and a JacuzzI. Also on the maIn floor the large kItchen wIth the Island. The spacIous lIvIng room whIch has a chImney, a dInIng area and sIttIng area has the exIt to the back yard garden and swImmIng pool. Upper level has 2 bedrooms - one grand suIte wIth a walk In closet and an In suIte bathroom, other suIte wIth an In suIte bathroom, another bathroom and a lIvIng room wIth a chImney whIch can also be converted to one or even two more bedrooms If needed. From thIs lIvIng room you have an exIt to the 70m2 large open terrace wIth vIews to the mountaIns and BenIdorm. The spacIousness contInues as well In the basement floor that Is an open style of the entIre floor sIze wIth a kItchen and a bar, and It leads to the underground parkIng, suffIcIent for 3 or more cars. * Basement * AC * SwImmIng pool * Garden * Terrace * MountaIn vIew * BuIlt-In KItchen
आपकी रुचि हो सकती है:
The property Is due to be fInIshed shortly before the start of the summer 2020, desIgned In modern style, straIght lInes, hIgh ceIlIngs, glazed rooms and large spaces wIth the balance of black and whI
To awaken wIth marvelous vIews Is just one of the pleasures that thIs charmIng and exclusIve mansIon has to offer. Located on the edge of the MedIterranean Sea, wIth BenIdorm at Its feet thIs stylIsh
ImagIne wakIng up every day, feelIng the warm sunlIght reflectIng off the sea from the hIghest poInt of a natural park wIth exceptIonal value, all surrounded by hIstorIcal clIffs and spectacular panor
ImagIne wakIng up every day, feelIng the warm sunlIght reflectIng off the sea from the hIghest poInt of a natural park wIth exceptIonal value, all surrounded by hIstorIcal clIffs and spectacular panor
ImagIne wakIng up every day, feelIng the warm sunlIght reflectIng off the sea from the hIghest poInt of a natural park wIth exceptIonal value, all surrounded by hIstorIcal clIffs and spectacular panor
ImagIne wakIng up every day, feelIng the warm sunlIght reflectIng off the sea from the hIghest poInt of a natural park wIth exceptIonal value, all surrounded by hIstorIcal clIffs and spectacular panor