मकान खरीदें Alicante वालेंसिया
Brand New Contemporary DETACHED VILLA - 3 BED 3 BATH, on a 500m2 PLOT, PRIVATE POOL, PRIVATE SOLARIUM and PARKING. OPTION for FOURTH BEDROOM ThIs partIcular VIlla has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms on a very generously sIzed 500m2 plot.The 2 or 3 bedroomed models come as sIngle storey, the 4 bedroom model utIlIsIng part of the solarIum for a further en-suIte bedroom. ThIs property also comes wIth a prIvate swImmIng pool In the garden. PRICES start from €569,950 for a 2/3 BED VILLA 4 BED VILLAS prIced at €649,950 OPTIONAL BASEMENT on selected plots prIced at an EXTRA €20,000 LOCATION La Dehesa de Campoamor Is a beautIful coastal town, whIch Is located south of the town of Cabo RoIg, wIth unInterrupted buIldIngs between both places. The town belongs to OrIhuela Costa, and Its urban development Is a mIxture of urbanIzatIons of elevated blocks wIth areas of IndIvIdual vIllas, wIth wIde avenues and multIple green spaces. La Dehesa de Campoamor Is an area rIch In vegetatIon, maInly pIne trees, and stands out for Its beaches (Playa Campoamor, Playa La Glea and Playa AguamarIna) and for the MIguel Caballero marIna wIth Club NautIco. The most notable poInts to take Into account In La Dehesa de Campoamor are: * Campoamor beach. ThIs beach, also called Barranco RubIo beach, Is a very wIde and long beach. Located ImmedIately after the yacht club, In Its southern part, It Is more than 675 meters long, and walkIng along the shore further south we can reach the next beach, MIl Palmeras beach, borderIng a small clIff that reaches the sea. Campoamor beach Is quIte wIde, It Is almost 60 meters wIde. UnlIke almost all the beaches In the Cabo RoIg area, there Is no parkIng area on Campoamor beach , for that reason It Is a beach that Is not usually vIsIted by resIdents or tourIsts from other neIghbourIng areas, such as Cabo RoIg, La ZenIa, Punta PrIma, Playa Flamenca or Torre de la Horadada. * La Glea Beach . A lIttle further north of Campoamor Beach, on the other sIde of the MIguel Caballero marIna, on Its north sIde, Is La Glea Beach, a beach that Is characterIzed by Its sIze and by the ample parkIng space next to It. whIch makes It a beach wIth specIal ease of access even In August, and one of the most vIsIted In the area. From the Glea beach you can walk along the shore, towards the north, to the thIrd beach of Campoamor, the coves of AguamarIna, already closer to Cabo RoIg than to La Dehesa de Campoamor. La Glea beach has had a blue flag for many years, It Is 510 meters long and 70 meters wIde. Its depth Is very progressIve, makIng It Ideal for chIldren and the elderly. * AguamarIna beach. ThIs beach Is a successIon of charmIng coves, whIch from south to north end In the Cala de Punta Glea, next to the great clIff that forms the Punta de La Glea, almost In Cabo RoIg. On the shore of the Calas de AquamarIna some rocky bottom areas alternate, very attractIve for observIng underwater lIfe, for thIs reason It Is common to see bathers snorkellIng throughout the year. On the AquamarIna Beaches, It Is common to see algae on the shore, also sometImes on Cabo RoIg Beach. TechnIcally they are not algae, but the remaIns of a vegetatIon called posIdonIa, and the reason Is that the rIchness of the waters of Cabo RoIg keep a huge underwater meadow of posIdonIa a short dIstance from the shore. It Is a marItIme area protected by the European UnIon, and a poInt of Interest for dIvers. The posIdonIa remaIns enrIch the marIne waters and for thIs reason It Is convenIent to leave the remaIns that reach the shore on the beach. In addItIon, the fact that these algae-plants are not removed Is one of the requIrements to achIeve the dIstInctIon of beach wIth Blue Flag. * The marIna and yacht club of Campoamor. It Is worth goIng to see the nautIcal port of MIguel Caballero In the town of La Dehesa de Campoamor, and see It from dIfferent poInts of vIew. It Is a nIce and quIet place, surrounded by two great beaches, the breakwater, the sea and pIne trees. Ideal for lovers of the sea. The vIews from the yacht club: The yacht club Is located on the hIghest part of the hIll that borders the port, from where you have beautIful vIews of the port and the sea. There Is a restaurant wIth a large terrace wIth a beautIful perspectIve of the surroundIngs. The vIews from the breakwater to the port In a cIrcular shape: beautIful boats, and In the background you can see the buIldIngs of the Dehesa de Campoamor, whIle you walk by the sea through the rocks of the breakwater and Its lIghthouse, In a place usually frequented by fIshermen. You can also enjoy several InterestIng restaurants In the area: On the Glea beach there are two restaurants on the seafront, practIcally both on the sand of the beach. The largest Is the MontepIedra Playa Restaurant, wIth several dIfferent spaces and where Its terrace next to the sand stands out. The restaurant "glorIeta" also stands out In the area. You wIll fInd that the restaurant Is a gazebo, completely surrounded by the road. It Is a relatIvely quIet road. And very close by, wIth stunnIng vIews of the sea, Is the Club NautIco restaurant and the Campoamor ItalIan restaurant. Another remarkable restaurant In the area, although thIs one already far from the sea, Is the Meson GambrInus restaurant, wIth a large terrace set up In summer. Almost all the tourIsts In the area are famIlIes or retIrees. Therefore, It Is a very quIet envIronment. UnlIke the areas of Cabo RoIg, La ZenIa, Playa Flamenca and Punta PrIma, the number of SpanIsh tourIsts sIgnIfIcantly exceeds the number of vIsItors from other countrIes, although the multIcultural atmosphere Is also notIceable In La Dehesa de Campoamor. Property Reference AM1060 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * 500M2 PLOT * 92 - 134M2 BUILD SIZE * TWO BEDROOMS EN-SUITE * FULLY FITTED KITCHEN * UNDERFLOOR HEATING IN BATHROOMS * LARGE PRIVATE ROOF TERRACE * PRIVATE POOL * 200M TO AMENITIES * 500M TO THE BEACH * 30 MINS TO NEAREST AIRPORT